Nate - the meeting went over time on just topics they had already put on the docket, so we didn't get to much new. I didn't get to bring up the 18 inch leader thing or the Wallace...natetreat wrote: I can think of several things that I would like to see discussed. Every time we advise WDFW to change steelhead regulations through the WDFW, they tell us to go to the NOF process. I'd like to see all native steelhead C&R. I'd like to see stiffer tribal negotiations out on the OP, get better numbers on the escapement out there. That's no secret that I'm unhappy with the way that steelhead are managed on the OP. I believe that the rivers out there can support a larger escapement goal, the escapement is set artificially low because of the pressure the tribes put on us to have harvest opportunity. Historical abundance shows that runs could be significantly bigger, even though they give us habitat destruction excuses to prove that the runs can only be as big as 2,000 or so native returns, I, as well as many sport anglers, think that this isn't true. Even so, escapement is barely met out there as it is. I'd like to see net days reduced to allow for more fish to get by, and the one fish per year taken off the catch card.
I DID, however, ask the lead BIO after the meeting about steelhead, and he confirmed my thoughts, which are/were that steelhead are NOT covered at NOF... So I think you are getting conflicting information, which is too bad
![Sad [sad]](./images/smilies/msp_sad.gif)
I believe that they do have a steelhead advisory board, much like the salmon board I am on... which might be a/the place to push for what you would like. I'll ask if they have a contact for us on that board...