ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

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ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by Weekend-warrior17 » Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:45 pm

I'm going to try my hardest to keep this as general of a question as possible as to not incriminate.

The flash was seen tonight!!! [scared]

Location was in Tacoma Washington and hit a yellow and decided to gas it threw... wrong choice , it caught us hook line and sinker....... I "CAN NOT remember who was driving" but i know it isn't the registered owner. Let's just say it was a 17 year old who is on his temporary first six months of driving so a ticket would cause him to lose his license till he turns 18 .

1st question: How long will it take for the state or city to register the ticket because the 17 year old turns 18 in 8 days and it wouldn't be as much of an issue if it wasn't issued till after then. Is there a way to "delay it'" till after he turns 18? and is the camera violation significant enough of a ticket that it would effect the 6 months rule? I am aware it is the equivalent of a parking violation there for my insurance wont find out about it. [thumbsup]

2nd question: If i am to go to court and fight it what are some things i should keep in mind? To say and not to say?

3rd question: Are you only aloud a certain amount of ticket challenges in court per so many years? i read that and am wondering if its true.

Please help me out with this y'all i need it !! If you would rather keep your reply out of the public forums for whatever reason just send me a Pm. Thank you for your time everyone. This sucks....

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by Big D » Thu May 01, 2014 2:46 am

I'm old school so this might seem harsh but I would say stop looking for a way out of the ticket, man up, take responsibility, pay the fine, move on and use it as a learning experience. Here in Wenatchee the tickets run about $125.00 so I would guess the fine will be some where close to that. See yellow = Stop if you have time. It's as easy as that. It's a lot cheaper than killing someone. And from the for what it's worth department, it's called integrity...

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by stryker17 » Thu May 01, 2014 4:03 am

agree with Big D

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by Gonefishing » Thu May 01, 2014 4:45 am

Being from Lynnwood I live in the land of photo traffic cams. So yes I know all about the flash of fear. Remember they will review the footage before they send the ticket. As long as the driver wasn't just entering the intersection when it turned red he/she will be clean. That means if say half way into the intersection no ticket, no foul, no issue.

My least favorite cams are the one on 196th and 99th (swore I was going to get one because the car in front of me just decided to come to a almost dead stop half way into the intersection (two different times) for no bloody reason. Kind of like Oh I didn't want to turn left here... I wanted to go straight. The other is 196th and 34th? near the convention center. Evil turn of doom there.

Generally if you did do it... pay it.

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by AJ's Dad » Thu May 01, 2014 5:03 am

Why would you worry about losing a license for 8 days. It will probably take them about that long to even send the ticket. I can't inagine it being that difficult to remember who was driving. Unless there was drinking involved, and that would be a whole diffrent story wouldn't it. Just pay the ticket and learn a lesson.

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by drysuperfly52 » Thu May 01, 2014 8:05 am

the ticket is cited towards the owner of the vehicle, the driver is irrelevent. My girlfriend got one in Lynnwood (gonefishing i know the pain) she was driving her dads truck. Her dad got the ticket in the mail in his name. the owner of the car can disput adn supply the driver lisencse of the driver if they choose. but if the car is someone beside the minors name (which it has to be anyways) you should be fine. pay the ticket and lay a whippen down.
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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by G-Man » Thu May 01, 2014 10:45 am

As mentioned by drysuperfly52, the infraction is not a moving violation when caught by a traffic camera in the State of Washington. It carries the same penalty as a parking infraction and is treated as such with regards to payment and driving record. The owner of the vehicle is sent the fine regardless of who was behind the wheel at the time the infraction occurred.

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by ncwflounderer » Thu May 01, 2014 10:57 am

A traffic light camera is not a moving violation, and the ticket goes to the registered owner of the car. I think what you do I go to court and tell them that you were not driving the car, and not sure who was. maybe they will just throw it out , unless you implicate the new driver, he should be ok, and this isn't an actuall "moving violation" they should be ok anyways.
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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by kodacachers » Thu May 01, 2014 12:56 pm

The others are correct that its the same as a parking infraction. However you decide to handle it don't make the same mistake as elected officials and lie under oath! Unlike a parking infraction, that's a crime. Easiest way to avoid a lie is to just pay the ticket. If you contest or request mitigation (either of which you can do by mail) I believe you still have to say whether you were driving. If you go the mail route you may not get the question of do you know who was driving (but I'm not sure, the form should say that).

Good luck!!

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by zen leecher » Thu May 01, 2014 4:02 pm

Well.... if you were this boy's father what advice would you want him given. Would you want him to do the right thing (and pay the consequences later) or would you want to teach him how to work the angles?

I think this country needs more people who know how to work the angles.... especially in the business arena.

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by Weekend-warrior17 » Thu May 01, 2014 4:41 pm

zen leecher wrote:Well.... if you were this boy's father what advice would you want him given. Would you want him to do the right thing (and pay the consequences later) or would you want to teach him how to work the angles?

I think this country needs more people who know how to work the angles.... especially in the business arena.

Alright guys thanks for the heads up it helped out i figured most would say to man up witch is totally the right thing in my situation. (Not sure where your going with that reply zen leecher but I've enjoyed working the angles and have figured a couple ways around it.)

By the way I'm the 17 year old (See my profile spec's) i get all your points , I'd rather not dodge this ticket its my fault Its a lesson learned and I'm taking full responsibility for it.

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by Jerry H » Thu May 01, 2014 7:47 pm

Based on your description I think you will skate on this one. If so count your blessings, learn from this experience. In my younger years I got my share of tickets. Fast cars and youth were not the best mix. My wise Grandfather gave me this guidance, accept the ticket pay the fine and don't fight it even if you feel it's not right. In the long run you will make many errors behind the wheel that you don't get caught for. If you feel it's a bad ticket consider it a fine for what you did in the past or a down payment for the future. I hope you man up to it and take responsibility for your actions. Show strong caracter, there is no joy or pride in working the angles. Gain others respect by doing what's right.

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by rcthepirate » Thu May 01, 2014 10:19 pm

Weekend-warrior17 wrote:I'm going to try my hardest to keep this as general of a question as possible as to not incriminate.

The flash was seen tonight!!! [scared]

Location was in Tacoma Washington and hit a yellow and decided to gas it threw... wrong choice , it caught us hook line and sinker....... I "CAN NOT remember who was driving" but i know it isn't the registered owner. Let's just say it was a 17 year old who is on his temporary first six months of driving so a ticket would cause him to lose his license till he turns 18 .

1st question: How long will it take for the state or city to register the ticket because the 17 year old turns 18 in 8 days and it wouldn't be as much of an issue if it wasn't issued till after then. Is there a way to "delay it'" till after he turns 18? and is the camera violation significant enough of a ticket that it would effect the 6 months rule? I am aware it is the equivalent of a parking violation there for my insurance wont find out about it. [thumbsup]

2nd question: If i am to go to court and fight it what are some things i should keep in mind? To say and not to say?

3rd question: Are you only aloud a certain amount of ticket challenges in court per so many years? i read that and am wondering if its true.

Please help me out with this y'all i need it !! If you would rather keep your reply out of the public forums for whatever reason just send me a Pm. Thank you for your time everyone. This sucks....

Here's what you do: don't man up, don't pay the ticket, and instead pay an attorney $250 to get it reduced to a non-moving violation (or possibly wiped completely). It sucks to have to pay it, but at your age you are going to end up saving money on insurance premiums in the long run. Insurance companies love an excuse to charge you more money (especially if you are a male under 25), and its definitely not worth letting it go on your record. And I can almost guarantee you that a decent lawyer will be able to get you off the hook. I would know, I have a bad habit of getting a lot of speeding tickets and I haven't had a single one go on my record in over five years.

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by obryan214 » Thu May 01, 2014 10:24 pm

which intersection? i see the flsh going off at 26th and pearl all the time. if you drive in the north end watch that camera by downing elementary, it has taken pics of cars outside of the posted times and when the lights weren't flashing. a coworker got one on the schools spring break.

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by Toni » Fri May 02, 2014 6:36 am

drysuperfly52 wrote:the ticket is cited towards the owner of the vehicle, the driver is irrelevent.
In the past, I have found this to be untrue depending on where it is. My son driving my vehicke in Puyallup caught, I send in the paper saying who was driving...he later gets a ticket in the mail. In Tacoma same thing BUT he never got a ticket.
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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by Toni » Fri May 02, 2014 6:44 am

My son has had many tickets, and now different insurance companies. Flash tickets don't show up on the record like speeding ones. I believe they are treated like parking tickets but more expensive. This is based on 4 years ago when he was driving my cars.
In Tacoma I sent in the ticket, telling the truth, that it was my son and not me. He never got a ticket and I didn't pay. In Puyallup that was not the case.

I hate those cameras because I am under pressure to decide in a second what to stop or go. [thumbdn]
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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by Rich McVey » Fri May 02, 2014 7:21 am

Have you (or the car owner) received a citation yet?

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by zen leecher » Fri May 02, 2014 7:39 am

Weekend Warrior, whatever you do, don't tell your dad. I picked up a speeding ticket when I was a youngster that suspended my license for 15 days. I was overseas in the service when the notice came that I had to attend a driving school in order to get my license back. Since I was about 7000 miles away my dad had to attend the school for me. It would have been better had I informed him beforehand.

Now how fast does one need to go to get a suspended license for the first ticket.

Again.... I should have told him beforehand.

I think it was Ben Franklin that said, "good judgement comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgement."

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by natetreat » Fri May 02, 2014 7:51 am

We have those cameras in Lynnwood. Yellow means stop. If you take a free right turn, you're playing with fire. It's a racket.

They do nothing to make traffic safer. Every one know that you're not supposed to run a red light. Because of death and that sort of thing. The people that are going to cause accidents at a red light are going to do it regardless, because of drunk or texting or that sort of thing." onclick=";return false;

About halfway down there are more than 20 different sources that prove these things do nothing but make money. Not to mention that the companies that run them are corrupt and bribe our local governments to have them put in - ... -officials" onclick=";return false;

We've had one ticket for taking a free right, and fought it, but had to pay anyway. It didn't matter that the blinker was obviously on to the judge, just that the price was right. I've also been in a rear end collision because of a yellow light, a big harley tried to take out my rear bumper because I stopped there on 196th in front of Ed's.

As far as the ticket, it goes to the registered owner, and so I think that the license is safe. Just remember that yellow means stop, and in the future things should be okay ticket wise. Not safer, you'll just end up paying less taxes.

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Re: ANY LAWYERS!!!?? I need help!!! Traffic camera!!

Post by rcthepirate » Fri May 02, 2014 8:20 am

Toni wrote:My son has had many tickets, and now different insurance companies. Flash tickets don't show up on the record like speeding ones. I believe they are treated like parking tickets but more expensive. This is based on 4 years ago when he was driving my cars.
In Tacoma I sent in the ticket, telling the truth, that it was my son and not me. He never got a ticket and I didn't pay. In Puyallup that was not the case.

I hate those cameras because I am under pressure to decide in a second what to stop or go. [thumbdn]
You are absolutely right on about that, totally forgot. Had one of my speeding tickets reduced to that so that it wouldn't affect my insurance. I guess it is considered a "non-moving" violation.

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