The flash was seen tonight!!!
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Location was in Tacoma Washington and hit a yellow and decided to gas it threw... wrong choice , it caught us hook line and sinker....... I "CAN NOT remember who was driving" but i know it isn't the registered owner. Let's just say it was a 17 year old who is on his temporary first six months of driving so a ticket would cause him to lose his license till he turns 18 .
1st question: How long will it take for the state or city to register the ticket because the 17 year old turns 18 in 8 days and it wouldn't be as much of an issue if it wasn't issued till after then. Is there a way to "delay it'" till after he turns 18? and is the camera violation significant enough of a ticket that it would effect the 6 months rule? I am aware it is the equivalent of a parking violation there for my insurance wont find out about it.
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2nd question: If i am to go to court and fight it what are some things i should keep in mind? To say and not to say?
3rd question: Are you only aloud a certain amount of ticket challenges in court per so many years? i read that and am wondering if its true.
Please help me out with this y'all i need it !! If you would rather keep your reply out of the public forums for whatever reason just send me a Pm. Thank you for your time everyone. This sucks....