by muskyhunter » Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:05 am
Heck of a fish. Read the whole article and the gent has been fishing these critters awhile now. Like Mr. Kendall said, Well desrved and I say, The musky Gods were definately looking down on the guy!
I also think there is a way to do a catch and release record. Texas, yep Texas does have a way. And I agree with all except the cutting the line if you cannot get the fish unhooked. They figured it out. And this state can too. Texas also has a junior division for kids and a flyfishing record keeping system. We musky chasers just need to voice it to the WDFW. They are very interactive with us anglers. I think a length recording is the best way. What does the article say within the first sentence..a 38lb fish..I never understood the weight thing. Grew up with it always being length first, then the weight as a possible tie breaker. Here is what I found on the internets..
Submission Rules
How to measure fish
1.State record applications must be notarized.
2.A witness to live release is required.
3.For length measurement: ◦Place fish on its side with the jaw closed.
◦Squeeze the tail fin together or turn it in a way to obtain the maximum overall length.
◦Measure a straight line from the tip of the snout to the extreme tip of the tail fin.
4.Weighing is optional. The angler may use a hand-held or dockside scale, if available, to record the weight of the fish, but record status will be determined by length.
5.Photographs are required for all weight records, Catch and Release Records and Big Fish Awards. TPWD biologists will use the photos to identify the species and verify length measurement. Video recordings will not be accepted in lieu of photographs. ◦Take clear, color, side view photographs from several different angles. One must clearly show the fish lying on its side with a ruler or other measuring device placed beside the fish. Another photo must show the angler with the fish.
◦Get close enough so that the image fills the frame. Make sure anal and dorsal fins are spread out and visible.
◦If the fish is a shark, photos of the teeth as well as photos of the head and back taken from above must be submitted along with the side view photographs. The photo of head and back should clearly show whether a shark does or does not have a ridge between the dorsal fins.
◦Photos may be submitted by e-mail or mailed with the application. Submitted photos become the property of TPWD with publication and television rights, and will not be returned.
For Fly Fishing Awards
1. The lure must be a recognized type of artificial fly.
2.A fly may be dressed on a single or double hook or two single hooks in tandem. Treble hooks are prohibited. The use of any other type of lure or natural or preserved bait, either singularly or attached to the fly, is prohibited.
3.No scent, either natural or artificial, is allowed on flies. The use of scented material in a fly is prohibited.
4. The rod, reel, line, and leader equipment used must be designed for fly fishing.
5. Casting and retrieving must be carried out in accordance with normal customs and generally accepted practices. The major criterion in casting is that the weight of the line must carry the lure rather than the weight of the lure carrying the line.
This can work here! Good luck out there on the watah!