It is a 2x4 cut to fit the inside of one garage door panel. I hole saw cut, 4- 3/4" holes and used a speed square to mark out 45 degree angles down to each hole. This would allow the rods to roll as the garage door opened and not fall out when in the up position. Clean and completely out of the way. I could only comfortably fit 4 rods in the space I had. If I wanted, I could make another set and off set them a little lower in the next panel. To mount them I drilled through the inside of the support with 3 screws.
I also added a wall rod storage to take up space and add decoration to the garage. I used the same concept as above but only did 3 holes.

Each was sanded and all corners rounded.
Not sure if I will paint, stain or just keep the raw look.
I will take a garage door up picture when it is light out.
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