Let me begin by saying these fish were never naturally occurring in lake washington so saving them shouldn't be a concern. Also i understand the low survival rate for sockeye that occurs in the lake isn't very good but for some reason baker lake with only 35000 fish is considered a great run yet we need over 350000 yes 350000 to even consider a fishery while the tribes get 200 fish a week guaranteed

Also I believe instead of trying to protect on non-natural occurring why don't we use this money to protect other naturally occurring stocks that are dwindling like wild steelhead, even baker lake sockeye(although they are not actually dwindling). Think about what a run of a few hundred thousand would be for the Skagit and the lake. How about cle elum lake another naturally occurring sockeye run that they are trying to bring back. For folks in king and pierce county that would be the closest sockeye run to them.
So I will finish this perspective with a question. What do you guys think about lake washington sockeye and what do think about the numbers we are seeing this year? Is it worth all the money wdfw puts into these fish even though it seems like we will never have a fishery anytime soon?