So, does anyone have any experience with rats taking up residence, hanging out, under the hood of your vehicle? That being said, one might think I’m a pig, or have an unkept yard, etc. not the case. Plenty clean on this end. If you live generally within the city, rats are everywhere. You just have to know when and where to look.

The problem with these guys up in your engine compartment is they are well known for chewing up the wiring, etc.

It’s not about removing the nearby food source. There’s no dog food, bird feeder, etc. it’s just a city thing, and I’m not even downtown, just in the neighborhood.
There are various electronic transmitters that emit high frequency signal, and other discussions about certain scents to add under your hood.
I was wondering if any of you have dealt with this.
It would seem a little odd to have to each morning open the hood to remove a rat trap, but maybe so..

I was shocked at the volume of critter crap that was in my engine compartment.