Phantom new websites

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Phantom new websites

Post by AdsBot [Google] » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:38 pm

We need more access to more alternatives. Only 95% of this website is being used. Do have a clue which site that might be? I just want ya'll to know, we will be invaded.
Last edited by Anonymous on Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by AdsBot [Google] » Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:02 pm

Coming Soon! |

I'm not a fan of this. I haven't seen it yet. I'm just saying we need to try harder.

Sorry, Guys. I don't mean to stir stuff up. I will have to admit though, we have a lot of wasted space nobody looks at. The forum and reports are all we have.
Last edited by Anonymous on Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by Mike Carey » Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:19 pm

Okanogan Sagerat wrote:Coming Soon! |

I'm not a fan of this. I haven't seen it yet. I'm just saying we need to try harder.

Sorry, Guys. I don't mean to stir stuff up. I will have to admit though, we have a lot of wasted space nobody looks at. The forum and reports are all we have.
Actually, this Forum is only one part of the site. The site has around 4gb of stored data, photos, articles, videos, etc. We had 26,348 unique users visit last month, and have grown in readership an average of 20% for the past 10 years. We have over 24,000 reports in the data base, hundreds of articles, videos, maps. More people log on to the site to look at all that other stuff than they do the Forums. We have the monthly traffic logs and know exactly what is and isn't looked at. I think guys assume the Forum is what this site is all about because that's the area that has constant new posts (not counting the fishing reports). In truth, from talking to people at the sportsman shows the past several years, it's the reports that people come to the site for first and foremost.

People will go where they get their online fishing needs met. Aaron and I know that, which is why we always look for ways to improve the site and the experience of The URL you posted (which I removed - why give them free advertsing?) is yet another national "shell" fishing web site. It's a cookie-cutter format that someone has designed. It's got our name, which is irritating, but it's an empty shell. That's not to say that someday it couldn't become something big, but that's not in our control. All Aaron and I can do is continue to provide what guys have consistantly proven that they want for the past 12 years. The chart speaks for itself:
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Last edited by Anonymous on Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by reigndawgs » Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:00 pm

Mike Carey wrote:
Okanogan Sagerat wrote:Coming Soon! |

I'm not a fan of this. I haven't seen it yet. I'm just saying we need to try harder.

Sorry, Guys. I don't mean to stir stuff up. I will have to admit though, we have a lot of wasted space nobody looks at. The forum and reports are all we have.
Actually, this Forum is only one part of the site. The site has around 4gb of stored data, photos, articles, videos, etc. We had 26,348 unique users visit last month, and have grown in readership an average of 20% for the past 10 years. We have over 24,000 reports in the data base, hundreds of articles, videos, maps. More people log on to the site to look at all that other stuff than they do the Forums. We have the monthly traffic logs and know exactly what is and isn't looked at. I think guys assume the Forum is what this site is all about because that's the area that has constant new posts (not counting the fishing reports). In truth, from talking to people at the sportsman shows the past several years, it's the reports that people come to the site for first and foremost.

People will go where they get their online fishing needs met. Aaron and I know that, which is why we always look for ways to improve the site and the experience of The URL you posted (which I removed - why give them free advertsing?) is yet another national "shell" fishing web site. It's a cookie-cutter format that someone has designed. It's got our name, which is irritating, but it's an empty shell. That's not to say that someday it couldn't become something big, but that's not in our control. All Aaron and I can do is continue to provide what guys have consistantly proven that they want for the past 12 years. The chart speaks for itself:

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by G-Man » Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:18 pm

This is one of the few sites in which folks who post reports can also attach pictures. I really like that feature as it tends to separate the fact from the fiction I also like the fact that it covers a broad range of fishing to inclue marine areas, rivers and lakes. It is as close to a one stop shop as your going to find. Add to that the search functions available to make the whole site one giant fishing resource for the State of Washington and there is no equal.

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by Mike Carey » Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:21 pm

thank you both. I don't discount 12 years of running a site and building up a community lightly. :salut:

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by Coastfishin » Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:30 pm

You Guys do a great job here Mike!:cheers: I have gained a ton of useful information from this site. One of the best things about this site is the members and all the info they have and will share.

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by nickbell » Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:31 pm

Im on thise website everyday during my free time. Im on probably 4 times a day.

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by spindog » Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:13 pm

I myself have been on nearly every fishing website available and I would say is far superior than anything I've run across. I'm glad to be a part of this site. Thanks to you Mike and Aaron for building such an awesome site and I'm sure its only gonna get bigger and better!
Last edited by Anonymous on Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by Marc Martyn » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:44 pm

Okanogan Sagerat wrote:We need more access to more alternatives. Only 95% of this website is being used. One big bunch of wasted space. There is another website that is going to kick ass if we don't come up with new Ideas. Do have a clue which site that might be? I can fill you in if you don't know yet. I just want ya'll to know, we will be invaded.
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Last edited by Anonymous on Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by Mike Carey » Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:33 am

good advice, but again, that 9,946 is just the "registered" members.

We get anywhere from 25-45,000 unique users per month that visit the site. The majority of users chose to not be registered members, just like the majority of registered members chose not to be Premium Members. And that's OK, people have different levels of interest when they visit a web site as to how involved/active they want to be.

How about these stats:

Jan = 1.3 million pages viewed, hits 11.8 million, visits 232,000, bandwidth use 132 million KB

Feb (so far) = 1.1 million pages viewed, hits 9.5 million, vists 169,000, bandwidth use 110 million KB

see what I mean? Theres a whole lot of viewing of site content besides the forums. It's just the forums are what we all see on the surface.

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by ryan2202 » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:05 am

You want to know the great part too!??! is that every other "fishing" report webiste I've been on, also has several references to Its crazy the information that is shared on here. Some for good info, other for blasphemy (lol) but either way, the info is out there and MANY people are viewing. I refer everyone I know to this website for the most accurate reports, techniques and general information shared.

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by Aaron » Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:32 pm

ryan2202 wrote:...Some for good info, other for blasphemy (lol) but either way...
Blasphemy??? Do tell...
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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by flinginpooh » Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:49 pm

I dunno bout everyone else I love the site. I check out other posts and blogs and such for reports and things. Just because I cant hit all the rivers If I could I wouldnt need to know where fish are. Id go find them all myself. Really though this site has more content then any other I seen. Now some of it maynot be used by everyone. But There is something here for everyone. Forums, reports, guide contact info, lake info, lake maps, tons of info, much much more. But lets not forget the main thing. The members here. Ive had the oppurtunity to fish with a couple members so far. It has been enjoyable. Ill be fishing possibly with a few members this weekend and in the future I hope to meet more and share a day of fishing with them. This is a gr8 site. I dont even use lake info really but still bought a premium membership to help mike and aaron have a lil more cash so that the site can be made that much better.
More fish please!

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by AdsBot [Google] » Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:56 pm

Look Guys, I like this site too. I have learned a lot and hopefully will continue learning. I still say that there is quite a bit that no one ventures near very often. The Galleries have a lot of size requirements, the audio files are stale, the videos wont play unless you download them (Buffer Issues), The event calendar is unused, fishing guides and tackle is window dressing, the maps suck (my opinion), I could go on. Face it fisherpeople. The only thing we are using are the reports and the forum. I will continue to pay, but there is room for improvement. Anytime someone suggests an improvement it's always " we'll check with Aaron". Sorry Mike. I'm a consumer of goods.:bball:

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by Mike Carey » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:21 pm

Okanogan Sagerat wrote:Look Guys, I like this site too. I have learned a lot and hopefully will continue learning. I still say that there is quite a bit that no one ventures near very often. The Galleries have a lot of size requirements, the audio files are stale, the videos wont play unless you download them (Buffer Issues), The event calendar is unused, fishing guides and tackle is window dressing, the maps suck (my opinion), I could go on. Face it fisherpeople. The only thing we are using are the reports and the forum. I will continue to pay, but there is room for improvement. Anytime someone suggests an improvement it's always " we'll check with Aaron". Sorry Mike. I'm a consumer of goods.:bball:
Your observations are appreciated, although I will say you're the only person that's commented on having problems with the videos. I would again say, you've only scratched the surface of how the site is used. We have the monthly log files so we know exactly what areas get used and how much they get used.

There are things we are working in the background and that means that other stuff gets put on backburners. Only so much two guys working fulltime jobs can do. ](*,)

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by AdsBot [Google] » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:03 pm

I have dove head-first into "all" this site has , believe me. As I said before, the only thing with any teeth is the forum and reports. Period. I hear a lot of defense being played here, but no scoring. Nothing else has changed in over a year!

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by AdsBot [Google] » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:04 pm

I have dove head-first into "all" this site has , believe me. As I said before, the only thing with any teeth is the forum and reports. Period. I hear a lot of defense being played here, but no scoring. Nothing else has changed in over a year!

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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by skimpy » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:43 pm

In my opinon blows the other sites out the water...i'm just saying!!! :cheers: I'm on almost everyday.:salut:
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RE:Phantom new websites

Post by skimpy » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:44 pm

[thumbsup] There is much more to this site then just the forum. =d>
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