joetucker803 wrote:Hey guys,
For the first time in seven years (since I acquired a mortgage), I am finally able to take a vacation to the beach

My wife, two dogs and I will be staying at a beachfront hotel in Lincoln City. As I know most of you can relate, going somewhere with water is torture if one does not have their rod and reel to get wet.
I simply plan on doing some surf fishing for surf perch. I've got a very flexible steelhead rod with an adequate reel attached (Shimano Sahara) that I plan on using. However, what recommendations do you guys have or tactics for doing this? Weight size, hook size, most importantly, what type of bait is going to maximize my chances of catching something. Any and all suggestions would be highly appreciated
Thanks in advance!
Yeah man.. surf fishing with a family beach trip is great! The family can sleep in, and I always wander off to the beach.
It is easy. Go with a drop shot style rig, like for bassing. You have one main line.. At the end of your main line is your weight. I am terrible with knowing what is what on amounts of weight, but I prefer to chuck the pyramid style sinkers. I use what I think is 1 to 1.5 oz. Basically a good hunk of lead that will allow you to huck it out there.
From your weight go up the mainline about 18-24" and place a small bait hook. (again I am terrible with hook size #'s) but realize that the surf perch have pretty small mouths. I use a hook about the size of my finger nail on the ring finger.
Place another hook about 8-10" above that. I like the palimar knot to put those on that main line.
I use to be a firm believer in razor clam meat, but honestly it is hard to keep on the hook.
Berkley makes some baits that work really well. Look for a salt water Berkely worm, or little salt water shrimp by Berkley.
I will attach a video here in a moment that will totally show you.
My approach is to look for beaches that are not totally flat, that have little valley etc. Then I approach the surf.. when the wave pulls WAY back.. run out there as far as you can and cast FAR. leave the bail OPEN, and haul *** back to safety.
The surf is very dangerous. There are undercurrents that people get sucked out in. Always remember that.
If you fall, you are supposed to swim parallel to the shore, and not straight back in.
video coming..
worms like this.. ... lsrc=aw.ds" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Just google more of these vids, some are better than others. It's all pretty easy though.
As rough as the water is. you will be shocked with that you can feel the fish hit it.