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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Clear Lake Report
Skagit County, WA



Fished Clear Lake and several other Skagit and Whatcom lakes this summer with moderate to poor success (10-15 fish, most dinks some up 1.5#). Coming from Bass country way down south where 12# bass are not that uncommon, we were having a tough time figuring out these dang northern bass :). Over the last month we have dialed in on them and have had trips where we boated 10+ bass averaging 3 to 5+lbs. each trip. We have moved far back off from the shore and are fishing cranks, worms and craws slowly through the grass near drop offs. We start at sun up with top water and shallow cranks and when it get later int the day we move around looking for deep submerged structure and have spotted some big bass out in deep water. We weigh (digital scale) and release all fish unharmed, I must admit that some of the 3-5 lb bass that I have seen in the photos look small compared to the 2-3lbs that we have boated. The 2 fish in the pic I attached were 2#15oz. 23" long and 3# 9oz. 27" long. Clear Lake, Lake 16 and several other lakes are still doing good for us here in September. Signed Southern Boyz


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709