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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Rotary Lake Report
Yakima County, WA



Well, since this lake clearly hasn't had a real report since 2003 let me get the ball rolling again. I moved to Yakima from Olympia last month, and this was the first time I've had any free time to go fishing.

I was very impressed with this little lake. I fished it for two hours, from about 3 to 5pm from the bank. It was a beautiful day, and about ten other anglers were also out taking advantage of this warm fall weather. I used one lure during my trip, a small red and white spoon.

I missed three bites and caught one fish, a plump 8-inch rainbow, around 4pm. It hit my spoon hard, and fought very well. As I was releasing it, it burped up about a dozen insects it had recently eaten. There was a lot of activity on the lake's surface, so if the weather continues to be nice perhaps I'll venture back with my fly rod next weekend.

I know one fish may not seem like much reason to be impressed by a lake, but I have my reasons. I had four bites in two hours, including the fish I caught, and saw one rainbow, roughly 10 inches, follow my spoon to the shore. That much activity is very impressive to me in late October considering this is a stocked lake of about 20 acres, located about a mile from downtown. Typically lakes like that are fished out by now. Either I got pretty lucky, or the lake is being reasonably managed. I also encountered the biggest bullfrog I've seen since I was a wee lad, almost stepping on the poor fellow.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709