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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Sprague Lake Report
Lincoln County, WA



I agree with the Comment below. What makes Sprague an amazing lake is 1. That there are not an infestation of boats on the water, and two that there are some HUGE fish, as well as good Walleye.
While I am not the Walleye master, I have a great time on this lake picking up large cats Carp.
On my last outing on March 24th. I went out for only about an hour or so, but nailed a 20 lb carp. Aweseme fish. I know carp is not the popular species on this lake. They are fun to catch and put up a good fight. Why make another trout lake when you have fishtrap, Williams, Chapman, etc just 10-20 miles away??????? Lets keep a lake with some BIG fish. And for all you Walleye guys, you should be even more upset. I guess you'll have to start driving to Moses.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709