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Cassidy Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA


All Day

Fished Cassidy for about five hours today and limited out on fat triploids, I love it when they stock this lake with fatties, I know right where they go, and if you fished this lake, you know also. The funny thing is these guys were out fishing in what I swear was a freaking Bathtub, it was the funniest thing me and my buddy seen, they saw we were catching a lot of big ones and decided to crowd us and start casting right in my spot, so I just casted my stuff where I normally casted and one of the guys casted right over me, so I just let it sit there and figured, if he snags me oh well, I only need one more, five minutes later he reeled his line in and didn't snag me and right when he got his line to the boat, I caught my last one in that same spot and it was a 2# Triploid, needless to say once they saw this they left. So 1 for the good guys and 0 for the jerks


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709