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Round Lake Report
Clark County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Tiger Muskie

Hit Round lake at the break of Dawn this morning hoping to have a great day of fishing ahead of me. Met up with Fisherman_max later that morning, but he wasn't able to get any hook ups. Lake actually looked cleaner for some reason, kinda like a little bluey green color. Started off at my normal spot... The second Damn fishing Salt impregnated Jigs off the bottom. Every time I've went, I have had problems determining what time of fish is biting my jigs. Its always a tap tap tap then yank, but every once in a while I get a huge slam that sends chills through out my whole body. Never been able too hook up with any of these fish that are biting, until today when somehow I managed to do something different. Ended up ripping completely sideways and hooked the fish in the sweet spot, right through its hard head. Not a huge bass, actually not even a decent sized bass..but at least I got my first bass on a jig and learnt that no matter how small the bite, even a bass can have the jig in its mouth.

Oh by the way, I was trying for bass.. I just thought it would be pretty funny to say I was fishing for TIGER MUSKIE in Round lake haha!


9/24/2007 10:51:00 AM
A bass is a bass...good job! Even a small bass if fun to catch.
By the way, I have read you and others on this forum refer to the "second dam" I have been all around that lake and have only seen one dam. In the picture you are standing on the walk-way at the dam. Is that the "second dam" or the first?
9/24/2007 2:13:00 PM
iskiles, there is the main dam that holds in the water for the main lake which is the first dam and then there is the dam that holds in water for the small pond on the side of round lake and that is the second dam.
9/24/2007 4:20:00 PM
Iskiles, that second dam that they refer to is a pretty decent spot early in the year. Hit a pair of 3-pounders on a plastic worm there last May. Lost another good fish under the barrier log when it rubbed my line on the connecting cable. Its usually good for a fish or two (when there is water)
9/25/2007 2:15:00 PM
actually no the secound dam does not have a log barrier that is the first dam, but yes the first dam is a good spot for bass early, i hit a bass a little short of 3 lbs using a berkley power worm texas rigged right there
9/25/2007 2:15:00 PM
it was in february or march
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709