bob johansen
12/9/2007 9:31:00 AMToni
12/9/2007 11:57:00 AMduncan
12/9/2007 3:32:00 PMcarl
12/9/2007 4:11:00 PMrichwine king
12/14/2007 8:41:00 PMBrandon
12/15/2007 11:36:00 AMbigastrout
1/18/2008 7:17:00 PMMike Carey
1/21/2008 12:47:00 PMbobedog360
5/14/2008 12:13:00 PMThat is nice pig you ripped into. Haven't talked to you for a while
been fishing any hotspots lately? Let me know, looks like you are
having a good time out there. That lake is where Joe D. ripped
a 7lb2oz lmb. Take care man, Bobby D