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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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American Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



Three of us hit American after renting a boat out of Bill's Boathouse.
I caught 5 bows all on a wee dick nite in Copper. "E" switched to the same lure I had but went deeper and caught 2 nice fat 13" Kokanee as well as a couple trout. "J" caught a couple trout on a wide variety of lures. The weather started out pretty nice but got windy as the day went on. The bite was similar, as soon as we thought it would get hot they stopped biting. Overall though a really nice day on the lake not many other boats on the water. We saw people from the Hospital come down and fish off the dock and saw them catch one as well. I filled out the hotspots but it would not let me submit the report without a comment on each one so I had to remove them.


5/7/2008 10:49:00 AM

Was the hotspot tool working incorrectly or did you just not want to describe your hotspots?
5/7/2008 12:13:00 PM
To my knowledge, you have to make a comment on each hot spot for it to be a hot spot. Simply clicking on the map and not describing the hot spot isn't allowed.
5/7/2008 12:44:00 PM
I just implemented that last night because there were a lot fo HotSpots coming through with no comment. What good are they without a comment? Once we're up and running with the new tools you'll realize why this is important. The HotSpots are not related to the report that they were entered with... they are used all by themselves so without a comment on the HotSpot the users will have no idea why that area was/is hot... they won't have the report to rely on. You'll be viewing All the HotSpots for a given lake all at once on a large map and you'll be looking for areas that have clusters of HotSpots... and then you'll want to read the comment to know what to do.. what to kind of fish there are there.. something more than just a set of coordinates.
Jake Dogfish
5/7/2008 1:30:00 PM
I really don't know what to describe. I put that all in my report. I guess I could of put "fish here" fish here" fish here" or "hotspot" "hotspot" "hotspot". If I felt there was something to comment, I would have. If it is mandatory I won't fill out the hotspot, I think thats enough information already.
5/7/2008 1:59:00 PM
I guess it's that you don't understand that your HotSpots and your Report are completely disconnected... Your descriptions in your report are not related to the HotSpots... they won't be viewed together since the data is for completely different areas of the site. Reading your report I see nothing that describes why you placed those HotSpots... There is nothing that states that when "E" went deeper, he did it at HotSpot 1.. or 2.. or 3.. and the point of the HotSpots in general is to give another level of detail for people to use to reproduce your success. i.e. they need to use that lure at that spot and that depth for ... Bass? Dunno.. thats what the comment field is for. It's Ok Jake. It's a new tool and without having the HotSpot viewer available yet it's a bit hard to see the big picture of what we're really trying to do. I hope that you enjoy our site and will consider becoming a Premium member in the months to come when that option is available. Once you have access to the tools and see how they will all work together you'll see why the HotSpot specific comments are so vital.
5/7/2008 2:02:00 PM
Note: A good example of what to put in the comment fields is in the HotSpot instructions:

"Largemouth like to hang out under a submerged log here. Plastics seem to work well."
"There are Smallmouth beds all along the shore at these coordinates."
"Trolling wedding rings at about 15' along this area always produces sizable Rainbows."

In your case, you could have put "Use a Copper Wee Dick Nite here at about 20' for great Kokanee action."
5/7/2008 2:04:00 PM
I love Hot Spots. I like that they will be separate from the reports. This makes viewing one lake real easy. It'd be nice if everyone filled out Hot Spots cause it'd make it a little easier learning a new lake that we've never been to. Great, great addition to the site. My .02 KTK
5/7/2008 2:27:00 PM
Seems like some small popular lake, like Green Lake in Seattle, might get pretty crowded full of hotspots. Maybe they could be filtered by date, time of year, or fish species. Just imagining here. :)
5/7/2008 3:17:00 PM
True, after awhile they will get crowded. They do have a date saved with them and I'll be sure to add some filtering options to the HotSpot viewer.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709