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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sandy Shore Lake Report
Jefferson County, WA


Trolling With Fly
Rainbow Trout
Sinking Fly Line

First time for me at Sandy Shore lake, so was excited to fish a new one. I think one of the funnest parts of fishing is discovering new lakes, and figuring out what to use and where on the lake the fish are. Anyway I digress.

Got there around 8 am, launched and headed to the far west side of the lake with a Olive Wooly, then proceeded all the way around the lake, with not even a strike. Shifted to a White Wooly with the same results. Finally found the right one, Black Woolys, in about an hour and a half, netted and released 6 - 8-11 inch Rainbows.

Stick to the center of the lake and basically in front of the boat ramp then to the west a little. Wish I knew how to use the new "Hotspots" feature of this reporting prog.

Have fun and stay safe.


Mike Carey
6/13/2008 2:12:00 PM
On the report from are several tabs. Just click on the "Hotspot" tab and click with your mouse on the location you want to comment on. A text box will pop up for you to write in. That's it.

Hotspots will become active for viewing when the new site is launched.
6/13/2008 2:19:00 PM
Great, thanks for the help, when is the new site going to be launced? And will we still be able to use it like we do now
Thanks again
6/13/2008 6:50:00 PM
I don't suppose you got any pics?(not the fish)but the lake. This is one of my favorite getaways but I havn't been here for about 2 years. Great report again...
6/13/2008 7:10:00 PM
You know what, I completely forgot about that, I even had the camera in the truck for just that purpose. I will try to remember to get some the next time I am there. I will tell you that they have pretty much stripped logged every thing but a thin row of trees around the lake
6/13/2008 8:00:00 PM
Thats to bad...my first time here,I must have been 8years old,saw my first set of bear tracks and caught my first brook trout here.Sounds like alot of change has occured since my last outing here. Thanks for the info and good luck out there.
6/14/2008 11:47:00 PM
ya this is pretty much the lake i live at and i still cant believe how they just clear cut everything around it. last year i would see deer all the time on that road, now its so bare that you can actually see the lake from the road...not cool. anyone tried bass/blue gill fishin here yet this year?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709