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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Beaver Lake Report
King County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Bait
Hook & Bait

I went to Beaver for the first time today since the plant. I was shore fishing with a slip sinker, leader, and PB eggs. I was there for only an hour from 4-5pm and had one solid bite. I need to work on my hookset because I got too excited and tried setting the hook too early, therefore, losing the fish. I should have waited for the fish to commit.

Two guys next to me each caught one decent sized fish the hour I was there, but it was the only fish they caught all day so I guess I brought them luck. I only saw one of the fish clearly. It was about 18" and EXTREMELY dark. I've never seen trout that dark. My goal was to catch something for dinner tonight but seeing that fish made me lose my appetite. A 14' alum boat passed by with 3 guys in it. They showed there catch of 1 fish so I guess the boats aren't doing that great either. However, being that I was there for only an hour and saw 2 fish caught by shore guys, I will definitely be back soon.


The Quadfather
11/15/2008 9:46:00 AM
fishindude, I assume you were at the park shoreline. Where abouts were you? Did you have your rod in an orange colored rod holder sitting by the picnic bench? I was coming in and out in a blue float tube, kept worrying I was going to cross one of you guys.
11/15/2008 2:02:00 PM
Yes, I was at the park shoreline but not with an orange rodholder. I was right next to the launch area that tubers, rafters, and pontooners use. I was the first guy left of that area, or your right. All the good spots were taken so I had to settle for that high traffic spot. How'd you do that day?
The Quadfather
11/15/2008 9:18:00 PM
How'd I do that day.... HA I've never had any kind of luck at Beaver. And if you can't catch fish at this lake under it's current conditions, then I have to start wondering about myself. It's funny, I'm trying to put together who you were from the guys on the shoreline. There was a guy who showed about that time with short dark hair, I swear I saw him reel one in. Then there was a guy with a reel short rod standing just next to the bushes somoking. It's just weird when you know you moving around people that you may sort of know, but not really know it. LOL
11/16/2008 3:38:00 PM
Yeah, I don't think either of those guys you mentioned was me. I don't smoke and I definitely didn't reel one in. Next time I think I'll just call out to random people - "Are you on WashingtonLakes!?" Or maybe we should have a code or a hand signal. Flash a gang sign at each other and see if the other one responds. :)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709