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Beaver Lake Report
King County, WA



Rainbow Trout
Hook & Bait

got to the lake about 10am. Didn't get anything trying to still fish with powerbait and nightcrawler, even when I dropped my offerings right into the center of the schools. Switched to a nightcrawler and swivel doing a slow drift and caught one as I was heading back to the launch to call it a day. I left around 3pm with only 1 strike/ takedown all day. At least it broke my 8 week skunk streak.

Water 45, no wind, morning sun, afternoon clouds w/ fog. Saw 3 other fish taken. 12 boats on the water, 6 people on shore.

Pic number two shows the stitches in the fish. What is it they do to these fish again? Remove something so they can't reproduce or something like that? I can't remember.


11/30/2008 9:34:00 PM
what do you mean stitches? i did not know people stitched trout it just looks like it was snagged or something. and if you mean what do they do to triploids to make it so they dont spawn that is done while they are in eggs and there is nothing taken out. nice fish anyway 15-16inches?
The Quadfather
11/30/2008 9:37:00 PM

That is interesting in the pic. where you see what looks like a suture needle. You asked if something is removed from Triploid trout so that they can't reproduce.....
Nothing is "Removed" from them at all. When female trout spawn their eggs contain two sets of chromosomes. ( the cell is considered to be diploid)
The male trout's sperm contains one set of chromosomes. When the eggs are fertalized the chromosomes recombine and each egg receives one set of chrom. from the female, and one from the male.
The 3rd (extra set) of chrom. is kicked out. This makes for a typical fish (able to re-produce)
Occaisonally that extra set doesn't get kicked out.... and you have a fish that is biologicaly "bunged up" and unable to reproduce.

Scientists have discovered that by exposing rainbow trout eggs to pressure and warm water just after fertilization they can interrupt this process of releasing the 3rd set of chrom. this manipulation geneticly (sp?) alters the new trout. It is now a "Triploid" 3 sets of chrom. same fish as before, but with scrambled sperm and eggs, and unable to reproduce.
So the real question is, what is that weird looking suture needle in the belly of the fish? Looks like he went to surgery.
12/1/2008 10:06:00 AM
Glad you finally broke your streak. Now it's my turn! haha. I think you fish more often and longer than I do, so I may still have some fishless trips ahead of me yet. :)

That sure looks like a suture of some sort to me. I thought I read that the recent stock was a bunch of fish that were part of a school project or something. If so, maybe some of the these fish were studied. Or, maybe the fish was injured and fixed up while still in captivity. Who knows, but it sure it weird. Might want to contact WDFW or the Issaquah fish hatchery about your catch.

What the Quadfather said about the triploid genetics is correct and it also contributes to their larger than average size.
Rob G.
12/1/2008 11:28:00 AM
dude...I would not eat that fish....Frankentrout!
12/1/2008 4:32:00 PM
I opened him up and there was a golden ticket inside! Now I get a free tour of the rapala manufacturing plant where the fisha-wumpa's make all the lures.
12/2/2008 9:49:00 AM
Can you imagine if they started putting golden tickets in trout....people think the lake is crowded with opportunity fishermen after the stock now!
That's a scary thought.
Anyway, aside from the golden ticket, did you notice anything out of sorts when you cleaned the fish?
I'm still leaning towards "injured and fixed in captivity". Doubt they'd release it if it had a problem that would be a health concern.
12/2/2008 4:52:00 PM
No, everything inside seemed the same. there was some scar tissue around where the incision was made. It would have made it possible to look directly into the organ cavity, but I didn't see any organs that had scars on them. I was almost like a puncture wound that was stiched up and healed.
12/8/2008 5:22:00 AM
nice work gian. what a studly aquatic creature!
1/2/2009 2:56:00 PM
I bet it's one of those tracking devices or a tag. WDFW would have to stitch it up to get it in.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709