4/26/2009 7:36:00 AMTight lines and better luck next time!
Maybe you should come over to the west side and try Lake Ki?? or wait, um, there's bass in there, that must mean it sucks?? Well then, how about Lake McMurray? no, wait, there's bass in there too! and perch! DANG IT!! I cannot for the life of me figure out why BOTH of these lakes fight it out EVERY opener for the #1 trout prospect in Western WA when they also contain those nasty old spiny rays?! Hmmmm, it's a mystery??
Hope you can appreciate the sarcasm there wayne, no offense intended towards ya:) Heck, maybe I should thank the WDFW...after all, think of the gas I save by NEVER driving over to Sprague Lake anymore.....
Tight lines wayne, and have you ever tried garlic attractant on your lures and bait for trout? I have noticed a difference in side by side rods when using it, seems to really turn them on??