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Goodwin Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Boat
Smallmouth Bass
All Day

Launched Wenberg around 7am only to find that 8-10 other bass boats had launched for some tournament. Those guys were pretty inconsiderate. They race from one spot to the next, and dont give a damn about wake, or spooking fish. They were on the water until 2pm and made it very hard to catch. My friend got a 4 lb 1 oz smallie and that was it for the day. Would have been better if it wasnt for the jerks in that tourny. Everyone has a right to the lake, tournament or not. Have some respect, sheesh.

But weather was good, and we snagged some sunburns lol.

Banks lake, coming up!


4/27/2009 9:34:00 PM
Really? And if so how come you did not say anything to these guys? But I gotta know how did they make it so bad? Was there not other boats on the water? Did they cut right in front of you? I mean seriously how did "THEY" effect your fishing? And as for wake I am sure that powered boats are allowed so THERE WILL BE WAKE!! Come on dude wake up and quit complaining you got to go fish today and your all bent out of shape cause some bass fishermen were "pretty inconsiderate". That is a small lake and it gets packed with boats on nice days so I am pretty sure they did nothing wrong but if they did you should say something to them. This just makes other guys in bass boats look bad by putting this on a web site.

4/27/2009 9:53:00 PM
Hey, I'm all for bass fishing, just look in the bass forum. And I understand that wake happens, but some of these guys dont pull away slow, they just hammer the throttle and leave me and buddy holding the rail in my 12' boat. And, I dont say anything to them, because what is the point? They dont care. If they cared, they would have more consideration for anglers in smaller boats, who cant afford a 50+ hp boat. Now, this does not mean that all owners of bass boats are jerks, just SOME of the guys in THIS tournament. Plus, they shot across to the shore we were fishing (no big deal), determine they dont like the spot, so they then jump around us, and start fishing docks directly in our path. That to me is inconsiderate, and I have a right to complain. I did not say, "All bass boat guys are jerks", because although I ride in a pathetic 12', my boat is a bass boat to me, because I catch "bass" in it. Perhaps I should have said, "very inconsiderate" instead of "pretty inconsiderate". Would that have pleased you? Go bother someone else. Grow up.
4/28/2009 7:12:00 AM
Wow...a little testy there bassguy. no reason for it. We only had a problem with one team and it was about 4 times throughout the day. All the rest of the boats...not a problem. we were all out there to do the same thing..be it for $ or not. The lack of courtesy is to see us working a section of water, then come in full throttle and stop a half dozen docks in front of us and start working in our direction..pretty much pushing the little boat off the spots....and again, this was only one boat out of all of them but it happened multiple times during the day. Unless that was you in the boat...go troll somewhere else.
4/28/2009 8:38:00 AM
Hey SnohoBassGuy,
Just so you know, and I am not defending anyone here, but the general rule of respect for ones fishing is you must be at least one cast away to fish. So in your case, if they were 6 docks ahead of you, I would have to think they did nothing wrong. Is there a no wake zone that was supposed to prohibit the boat from taking off at full throttle? If not, then they have every right to do so.
Last, if you fish right behind them and even use the same techniques as they do, you still can catch fish. This exact thing happened to me in a tourney a couple weeks ago. We fished down a bank and caught nothing. Fifteen minutes behind us another boat came in and fished the same exact bank and pulled a 3 pounder off of it. Quit gritchin and keep fishin.
4/28/2009 9:08:00 AM
I understand that fish can be caught right behind another boat, but I would never jump in front of anyone just to fish first. Its rude. And there were no wake signs, just as a sign of respect/courtesy, the boater should have the common decency not to throttle out so close to us. Its scares fish (why should he care right?), and makes it very hard to stand in my boat. Why is courtesy such a fighting point here? Have you all lost this, or are parents not teaching it to their kids anymore?
Jake Dogfish
4/28/2009 9:30:00 AM
Thanks for the report. I totally agree with you about some of those tourney guys they think they own the lake or somehow have more right to fish than the rest of us. All we can do is lead by example, and thanks for saying something about it and putting up with unwarranted criticism. Sorry for bassguy "who is sure they did nothing wrong" and sorry for davidikus who has some rule about 6 docks. I guess he thought you were fishing in the tournament... Its called respect and common courteous to the other boaters.
Fred Perez
5/11/2009 9:28:00 PM
I may have a slightly used 9hp Mercury in my store room just for you. Interested? email me at fredcabato@hotmail.com.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709