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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Williams Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring

Did anyone see the MOON this morning (May 9)? It looked like a big, fat grapefruit on the horizon as we, the BBs of BL, prepared for another outing at Williams Lake. The view of that orangish orb got us thinking on a Higher Plane… and talking about things such as the Meaning of Life, and Should Anyone Really Turn Smoked Salmon into Jerky? We discussed whether such a moon, either WAX’ING or WAN’ING, would make fishing better or ‘not so much better’. We discussed all of our previous “learnings” about fishing--- and decided that fishing successfully really depends upon the fishes’ ATTITUDE--- if they are “copping a ‘tude”; you aren’t going to catch too many fish. BUT: If they are in a good mood, you could hang a teaspoon of grease from your fishing pole and land a lunker (we haven’t tried that yet.) We agreed that fish can’t be TOO joyful… They have never been THAT easy to catch!
Such sophisticated thinking can only lead to one destination, and that is: holding a fishing rod while the “business end” is under water, luring fish! So, with the temporary suspension of credibility, and no small chunk of anticipation, we were off!
A little wind was breezing from the NE--- otherwise the weather was great. Clear skies above us, with the sun causing those great basalt cliffs to glow pinkish as it peeked over the horizon. Fish could be seen breaking the near-smooth surface of the lake. The osprey were already shopping for their breakfasts of fresh trout as we launched the boat and headed straight to Tree 11 (there were no other fishermen there! A rarity indeed!) We caught a couple of trout there, and then we trolled that side of the lake all the way to the end. As we cruised along the shoreline, we saw a couple of deer watching us; probably wondering if we were really as good of fishermen as our reputations said we were. Smart-alecky deer… I wish they could’ve seen me as I caught a 17” rainbow near the “Twin Pines”…
We each limited-out and each of us took our time in doing so, enjoying “high-level” discussions we had begun earlier, salty banter that only two grizzled veterans of the fishing wars can concoct, and sharing pithy metaphors with anyone and no one. Mostly no one.
As always, we had a great time fishing at Williams Lake. The sights, the sounds, and the smells combine to make a great fishing experience.
Thanks, WDFW.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709