Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
I went into the weekend with kigh expectations...New Moon phase and stable weather were some positives, yet my partner Dan Hiatt only caught 1 smallmouth bass in two days of fishing! We hit the soth end of Soda Friday morning, but it was uncarachteristically slow, and I caught just 3 fish on the smaller side. We struck out at Mesa lake too. I wasm't untiil;; we fished Wind Dust Park on the Snake river, that I caught a half dozen decent smallies on 3" smoke grubs. We then hit the Columbia down near Plymouth below John Day dam, where I caugth 7 Smallies to 3 pounds Sunday morning on grubs, Carolina rigged FX Robo worms and smoke tubes. Dan finally caught a dink up behind John Day Dam and I put 5 more bass on the bank using Gulp minnowsw\ and tubes. Hopefully luck will smile on Dan in future trips...we really had to work for our fish this time! The Jigmiester
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service