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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Twin Lakes Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA


Top Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Eggs
All Day

Another great kids event hosted by the Everett Steelhead and Salmon Club. We only had 1-hour to fish on Saturday, and got there a bit late. THe short was lined with eager anglers, but everyone having a good time. I started my granddaughter out with pink power bait, and she has 5 very nice quality fish in short order. We released all but two, and one was a very nice fish in the 18" range. We came back in the evening when we had more time, and I switched her to spoons so she could get in some casting practice. We alternated between a brass/red Fiord spoon and a small brass Wobble-Rite. Both worked equally well, and she was catching fish about as fast as she could cast/reel. We ended up with 10 very nice fish, and again all but 2 were released unharmed. One was another very nice fish in the 18" class the literally swallowed the spoon, which end up being her last fish of the evening. Thanks to all the folks at the Everett Club who make these events possible. Anyone with kids who would like to get them into sportfishing would do well to support the great work these folks do.

And a last comment about the adult angler who are can't seem to read. THe north pond is for kids only. I know it's a temptation to do a little poaching when you don't think anyone is watching, but not only does it show absolutely no class, but it takes away from the enjoyment of the kids who have too few spots all to their own as it is. So if you're at Twin Lakes fishing the kids pond and see a grandfather and his grand daughter, keep in mind, I have a cell phone with a camera, and I have the local wardens number programmed into my phone.....


6/1/2009 7:52:00 PM
thought you can let them go if you use bait?
6/2/2009 9:13:00 AM
Sure you can, just leave them in water and cut the line if they're hooked to deep to easily remove the hook.. In fact, I don't even own a "hook remover", just a pair of miniature needle nose pliers and a very sharp pair of minature cutters. If they're lip hooked, just leave them in the water, grab the hook, and they'll come right off. If you can't see the hook, just reach in and cut the line at the mouth. They'll typically do fine, it's the handling that kills them. Plus, it's a great example for the kids that letting most of your fish go to catch another day is better than killing them all, and having nothing to catch tomorrow.
Fishin Musician
6/2/2009 12:30:00 PM
Saltyseadog, that one used to trip me up too. You can catch and release with bait BUT every fish counts towards your 5 fish limit. Release 5, you are done. If you aren't using bait you can catch and release all day, until you retain your 5 fish limit. Just be sure you know the definition of bait!
6/2/2009 12:45:00 PM
Quoting from Page 2 of the Statewide Freshwater Rules:
"If any fish has swallowed the hook or is hooked in the gill, eye, or tongue, it should be kept if legal to do so."
And from Page 3:
"When fishing with bait, all TROUT (except STEELHEAD) equal to or greater than the minimum size are counted as part of the daily limit whether kept or released."
6/3/2009 5:48:00 PM
In addition to that.... If you use a sent spray, gel or dip on a lure, that is also considered "bait". Stever, I too was there. My neighbor and I took our boys out to the derby. Donated several cans of veggies. We called it quits after our boys caught more than enough for a Sunday fish fry. Caught a couple over 18" the rest were good 11-14" range. They made for some good eating. We made sure on our way out to thank them for a great opportunity for the kids. My 3 yr was just ecstatic because he had caught his limit. Heck, all 4 boys were ecstatic... I was too just from watching them have a great time.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709