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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Deer Lake Report
Island County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Eggs
Hook & Bait

Well a couple of my friends and I decided to head out to Deer Lake after a hot day. Typically, people stop swimming around five and the "Swimming" area that we fishermen paid for as it is supposed to be a fishing dock and a vehicle use permit is required. Funny, no one ever seems to have one. The best fishing comes from off of that dock. Anyway, the historical pattern of swimmers being absent in the evening didn't bore out that night. We fished from the boat launch and from the spot to the right of said launch. I tried everything I had, every color of power eggs and bait, worms, pautzke balls, and a bobber with worm and I got nothing. The drunk guys in the raft had a blast fighting and falling down and the screaming middle school girls seemed to be enjoying themselves too.Oh and let's not forget the redneck in the truck who kicked up enough dust to get some in our eyes. Normally the best bait is orange sherbet but I was out. That lake is full of fish despite the ergasilus parasite that ravages those waters in the hot Summer months. They usually arrive in late June and go dormant in the fall. But I think it's just too hot right now for shore to be productive. 90 some odd degrees is anything but ideal. As Mark Chesnutt said: "It's too hot to fish, too hot for golf and too cold at home."


clam man
11/25/2009 1:54:00 PM
That dock isn't "for fishing" There is a ladder on it. Most fishermen I know don't have a need for a ladder to get in and out of the water. You will also notice that there is a clearly marked "swimming area" marked off by floating buoys, to keep the swimming area, and general use lake area separate.

This was one of the hottest summers we have had in a long time, maybe you can cut people some slack for swimming.

That being said, I have had many difficulties with people blocking my access to the boat ramp...and most of them are usually people fishing from shore, who think the boat ramp is an inconvenience for their fishing.

That park is supported by the parks budget...not through your 30 dollar parking permit (which is not required at that park). Feel free to ask any of your Island county parks department people. I have spoken with them on the phone about this site, and they are for the most part helpful.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709