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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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American Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Rock Bass
Hook & Bait

Great day. Perch are really starting to bite, along with the usual Rock Bass. We probably caught about 60 fish, 45 Rock Bass, 14 Perch, and 1 Bluegill. All you have to do was pull up next to a point on any part of the lake, and bam! We were out there from about 7:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. And we stopped because we ran out of bait. NICE DAY!

P.S. - We tried trolling for about an hour, for the trout, but no luck. Any idea how and where to catch them?


The Quadfather
8/8/2009 10:12:00 PM
How do those rock bass taste? I have a line on a whole bunch of them, but I am not in the habit of keeping bass. But the rock bass are hardly a lmb or smb, so often i've wondered about trying one. What did you think?
8/9/2009 1:53:00 AM
I'd compare the taste of rockbass to bluegill or sunnies, IF they're filleted and then deep-fried. They're unfortunately not as tasty as perch or walleye but they'll run a very close second to them. I'll bet, if you were to taste them intermingled with some perch fillets, the way my wife cooks them up, you couldn't tell the difference....as long as the water they're caught in is cool and not shallow or "funky".

What I'd like to know is where particularly, folks like personfly18 positions his boat in order to pull those buggers in so heftily; I can spot them on my fish-finder all day long but getting them to bite is another story. Just more Trial and Error, I guess.
bob johansen
8/9/2009 8:04:00 AM
You can't run out of bait perch fishing if you are catching perch. Filet out a small fish and cut pieces of perch meat for bait.
8/14/2009 10:34:00 PM
oh ya we ate the rock bass and they were terrible, we panfried them...the perch were delicious though.
9/11/2009 4:04:00 PM
i never knew rock bass were edible, i always thought they were a gross disease-carrying bottom fish
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709