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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Ozette Lake Report
Clallam County, WA


Rainbow Trout
All Day

I gathered my friend and his son, along with my son, and packed the gear for a trip to Lake Ozette. Lake Ozette is the 3rd largest natural lake in the state, and it is part of the Olympic National Park. There is no development on the lake due to the park.. other than a handful of small shack/cabins which have been grandfathered in over time.
You can put in on the N. end of the lake by the ranger station. Nice launch. and no fee to launch. We did just this, and then motored all the way down to the other end of the lake. During this time we saw only 1 other boat. We made camp just across from "Baby" island on the mainland. You will need a "Back Country" Permit from the Parks dept. We strung up our food in bear containers within the trees and set off to playing/fishing.

Fishing stuff: We mostly trolled wedding rings from the boat. This lake has ALOT of Squawfish in it. I caught about 5 of these. I caught a cutthroat, about 10". A perch, and I think a rainbow trout. At one point I was fishing along side of a HUGE downed tree which is out in the lake. My friend snorkeled along side it and said it was like looking at the Titanic under water. Anyway,, at this tree I hooked into a very large trout or decent salmon. I saw the fish come between me and the log, and then he broke off.
Wedding rings, FishingCreek spinners, fly fished with many different flys. wet and dry. Read the regs. from the Olympic National Park website. They control the lake. Selective gear rules, no trout or salmon can be kept. but bass/perch, etc/ can be kept. Mixed clouds, no other boaters. water temp. 68 deg. Lake has rainbow, cutthroat, sockeye, Atlantic salmon, perch, lmb, SQUAWFISH. etc. Also I should note that there is a HUGE population of HUGE freshwater clams. These critters were 3-3.5" long X 1.5" in depth. They were amazing in size and quantity, although I did not eat any. I may submit a little video to the lake info. section.

btw.... If you boat this lake, you had better have a depth finder. You can be cruising full speed 200-300' from shore in 100+ depth.... all of the sudden the bottom will come up in just seconds to maybe 2' of depth!! This happens at various places around the lake. I hit bottom going full speed. I thought I broke the prop! Scared the heck out of me because you are so far from any assistance. Every was OK, just tore up a bit.


Mike Carey
8/29/2009 2:11:00 PM
nice, thanks for the hotspot info!
8/29/2009 10:50:00 PM
Dang Quad,awesome report. I havn't checked yet but I think you and I are the only ones that have submitted any reports here.
But yours is actually useful and mine...mmmm well.
haha,sounds like an awesome trip.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709