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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Silver Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



went fishing with the old lady took about a half an hour for the fish to start to bite. Caught a bunch of dinks for what im use to anyway. The birds ate well to say the least.
tight lines


blufin loui
1/15/2010 9:10:00 PM
Hey Xwisconyfisherman, when you say "dinks" are you comparing them to your old fishing holes, or were they small for Silver. I read these reports on silver, but haven't worked up the time and energy to go over. Do love perching through the Ice though.
Keep on fishing, and I look forward to your future reports.
1/16/2010 10:41:00 AM
Blufin, Ya I'm comparing them to what i'm use to catching. For Silver most of the ones i caught were good sized for the lake. Ive found bigger fish in deeper water, but i still havent found anything as big as im use to catching or even anything as big as the ones i caught last year on Elioka. I like that lake a lot, however i didnt want to drive 45 minutes to the lake and discover unsafe ice lol. Judging from the lakes you usually fish silvers has to be a pretty long drive. Shoot me an email if you ever head out this way. And as always blufin i look forward to reading your next report (which your probably going to be slaying those big trips! that i wasnt able to trick into biting)
tight lines
1/16/2010 8:25:00 PM
Xwisconyfisherman...I went out to Seven bays today because I thought the ice on Eloika would be unsafe. How was the ice at Silver? Rosevelt was poor today. It didnt matter if you were in a $50k boat or bank fishing sitting on an empty paint bucket...the fish just werent there today.
1/17/2010 12:21:00 PM
scott, there was about 7inches of ice. I would imagine it is in still fair condition. however, im thinking by the end of next week if it doesnt get cold and keeps raining like it has been it might not be getting a little scarry
1/18/2010 10:23:00 AM
Thanks for the info....I think I need to make the long haul to Rufus next weekend!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709