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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Roesiger Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA


Rainbow Trout
Hook & Bait
All Day

My boss was in Mexico for ten days. So i Decide what the heck i should go out and try the lake for some trout, Ive been getting skunked so bad going for steelhead, Anyways DAY 1 Flowing lake. Fished the dock for Bows, Corkey and worm 20 inches of leader, first cast I get smaked before i could put my rod into the holder. Many more bites on the reel in. Next cast it soaks, make along story short. rain and wind, and One trout.Weeds are terrible there..

Day 2. Kellogg lake,. mid morning launch, again with the corkey and worm. We beat some cutthroat up. I got 5 cutts. two in the 12 to 13 range two more about 10 11, and the last bad boy about 18 20 long slender . got all fish on corkey and worm.

Day3 Kellogg & Roesiger SKUNKED AT KELLOGG one bite 4 hours. Roesiger SKUNKED couple bites no hook ups.

Day 4 Roesiger Fished the park from raft.Got One troilling a needle fish 2 inch. he was about 8 9 inches, but pretty fun. and I got one 12 13 incher on mosquito fly casting around. and a couple more slow bottom bouncing corkey and worm. 1 koakanee on worm no weight.

Good times


2/27/2010 5:33:00 PM
How warm is the lake? I am wanting to go up there and fish for bass, crappie, and perch... too cold still? Trout would be nice too!
2/27/2010 5:40:00 PM
Nice report Joe...thanks!
The Quadfather
2/27/2010 7:14:00 PM
Were you fishing upper Kellogg? I would assume so.... Did you have any luck fishing just on the up side of the damn? I discovered that lake last year, it is a very nice setting.
2/27/2010 7:26:00 PM
Good report
Koakanee, lake Roesiger? Didn't know that. Thanks!
2/27/2010 8:56:00 PM
Sounds fun dude.
2/28/2010 7:56:00 AM
Yeah we fished the the upper lake. where its real deep. I still havnt yet gone to the right side of the lake. I need to find that damn
2/28/2010 7:58:00 AM
the water is still a little too cold for perch crappie and bluegill. unless you cant find them in that huge lake, they shouls still be running failry deep, off rock structures and drop offs.
2/28/2010 5:13:00 PM
Are they stocking that?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709