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Munn Lake Report
Thurston County, WA



Rainbow Trout

I was feeling really confident when i arrived at Munn lake it felt like today was my day so i was whipping my 4wt fly rod out go like a 4lb and starting trolling and go 15" trout then 10 min later this 12lb trout grabed my spoon and took of with all of my line so we went near the fish. Monster fish safely released great day...HAHA ehren beat this..=)


3/3/2010 9:44:00 PM
you released it?
tight lines
3/3/2010 9:44:00 PM
hope you didn't release that fish with it bleeding like that.
3/3/2010 10:22:00 PM
really nice trout ...but think you made some real poor choices handling and releasing that fish ...
Trout Master
3/3/2010 10:28:00 PM
I hate seeing this , please respect this c&r lake by learning how to handle afish. KEEP YOUR @#$%^$# hands out of the gill plates. I can only guess that fish is laying on the bottom now.
Jake Dogfish
3/3/2010 10:41:00 PM
As previously stated you should not hold fish that are to be released that way. Thanks for the report.
3/3/2010 11:47:00 PM
2 absolute don'ts!!! that you did... 1) release a fish that is bleeding... 2) stick your hands in the gills!!! that is like choking someone..... if you are going to catch and release learn how to handle fish..... you are lucky you did not get a ticket for something like this..... not good choices... but please, please learn from them!
3/4/2010 7:56:00 AM
Nice fish! Yes, these guys are getting on your case a bit, but they do have a point. While C&R is a noble goal, nobody likes to waste fish, or see wasted fish. That one would have probably been better on the barbeque. Still, very nice fish - looks like you were right to feel confident!
3/4/2010 9:01:00 AM
That lake is C&r till the last week in April.
3/4/2010 9:33:00 AM
I must agree, nice fish but when I saw the pics I was shocked in how it was handled and bleeding! I hope you learn from this and next time try to use a net and keep the fish in the water or wet your hands if you must briefly handle the fish to unhook it.
Keep the fish in the water as much as possible. Don't put your fingers in the gill covers or hold the fish by its eye sockets or squeeze it too hard.
3/4/2010 10:16:00 AM
Well, WA Lakes is getting bashed on other websites - AGAIN for terrible fish handling. I can understand being excited and wanting to do a grip and grin photo, but on C&R waters this is pathetic handling. Hector AKA SLayer, please learn how to properly handle fish that must be released.
3/4/2010 10:56:00 AM
Ditto on all responses....that fish is dead, no question about that.
3/4/2010 12:25:00 PM
Probably another bogus report trying to ruffle feathers...
Black Plague
3/4/2010 12:32:00 PM
Guaranteed dead.... bass can be handled pretty well, trout on the other hand are huge wimps when it comes to taking a beating, if you hold a trout by the gills it will die, yes it will...they are that fragile, if it is bleeding it is already dead. that ' WAS' a great fish, I imagine that you just didn't know....and whoever was with you didn't either....I suppose that if you didn't want to get a fine and you knew for certain that the fish was dead when it got to the boat, then a picture of an already dead fish wouldn't be a problem. technically you are supposed to "release" dead fish, to continue adding nutrients to the ecosystem...any way....sorry if I or anyone else made made you feel bad, people are protective of the things they love , like fishing... keep up the good work, just be careful...
3/4/2010 2:14:00 PM
Well it looks to me that everyone just beat the hell out of this kid on here. Rather than doing that we need to teach the kids how to do this stuff the right way. That is our responsibility to teach the future of the sport that we are so passionate about. I have to agree with BP on this. But at the same time I see where the rest of the comments are coming from as well.
3/4/2010 3:15:00 PM
first off that fish is NOT 12 ib's and you really do need to be more careful handling fish try this
3/4/2010 5:21:00 PM
As far as I'm concerned, I'm not angry at the kid I'm angry at whoever took the kid fishing, they obviously know how to fish so in my opinion they should obviously know proper C&R and if they don't they should learn instead of teaching the kid poor sportsmanship and messing it up for everyone else.
Mike Carey
3/4/2010 9:09:00 PM
OK guys, first, I'm not condoning poor handling of fish that are to be catch and released (and this is one of those reports where we probably would not have posted the report if we were aware it was C&R). That said, the report was posted, so now how do we respond to it? First, we don't use threats or calling the angler names, so the two members that did had their posts deleted and were warned. Again, this is a teaching moment so thank you to those that treated it as such. Bashing someone after the fact isn't going to make that fish come back. Look at the member - he's a kid. Let's get some perspective, take the high ground and EDUCATE. Thanks to those that did.
3/8/2010 4:26:00 PM
Any time we see a young kid doing something like this it is up to us more experienced fishermen to gently teach them the ethics of sport fishing. I get more upset when I see fishermen old enough to know better fishing in an unethical way. Snagging salmon as an example. This young fellow could use a ethical fishing buddy rather than criticism. If this young guy read any of these comments I think he got the idea after the first few.
3/12/2010 1:25:00 PM
to all the guys that are giveing my little buddy a hard time for catching bigger fish then you well that shows how good of a fishermen you are. the fish are bleeding because thats what happens to fish when you put a sharp hook in there face. if you had a hook in your mouth you would bleed also. this kid is a buddy and he is holding the fish like anyother pro you see on tv. and im the one thats going t get a bigger fish. and all you old guys dont get upset for one that i called you old im 17 everyone is old to me. us young guns arent going anywhere were going to be out there catching fish just like you. good luck to you all

ps hector dont let theas guys call you out bro your doen great. but you got yourself into a fishing war with me man good luck lol
3/13/2010 10:20:00 AM
Ehren, what you see on TV is mostly bass fishing and bass can take bad handling better than trout. I have seen the same kind of handling of trout on some internet sites. Things are changing and we are all learning and adjusting. You never want to put your fingers in the gills of a trout. You should also try to not remove the fish from the water when you intend to release the fish. I am not always able to do that. You should also use a knot-less net and barb-less hooks. Good luck and I hope to see you on the water some time. I will give you a fly to try out. Look for an old guy in a little yellow boat.
4/10/2010 6:36:00 PM
#8 RTK has some incorrect information.

Munn Lake is catch and release all year. See https://fortress.wa.gov/dfw/erules/efishrules/erule.jsp?id=870

Last year the lake was catch and release till May then regular rules. This year the lake will remain catch and release.
12/16/2010 11:50:00 PM
All the pro's on T.V? You got to watch the Fly Fishing "Pro's" To learn proper handling of fish! And to Ehren_Boatman_Fishinfool If you use a barb less hook they don't usually bleed anywhere near that much!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709