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Rock Lake Report
Whitman County, WA


Rainbow Trout
All Day

I thought it would be a good time to let people know that the water is down about 18" from last year's high level. In fact, it is already starting to be difficult to launch some of the larger boats.

The last two years I have warned of the rocks and hazards, but with the high water it was not a real problem. Do NOT allow the high water of the last two years to fool you, this year could be a bad year for rocks - be careful.

There is a special hazard located about 47 degrees 9.93 minutes N by 117 degrees 41.98 West. A log has anchored it's base in the bottom in this small cove, with the tip about 6" out of the water, projecting at an angle. If a boat hit it at any speed, depending on the angle, you could either roll a boat or punch a major hole in the hull. Note that this hazard is new this year so be aware. I tried to pull it out on Saturday, but the wind was too strong to do it by myself.

The water is 40.5 degrees, stained, with 3 or 4 feet maximum clarity at this time. The bottom has been covered with a thick green moss/slime but the winds on Saturday seemed to break up a lot of it in the shallows at least. I expect that with calm winds and clearing water it will re-form quickly.

Oh, ya, the fishing report.It was a 5 star day but I do not intend to hear the 'prove it' or hear 'where are the photos', so take it or leave it - LOL. Besides, from what I heard on the lake, very few others had similar luck.


3/15/2010 4:11:00 PM
Anglinarcher, ahh no photos today. I like your posts with all the detailed info, but your photos are always a great add on.
3/15/2010 4:39:00 PM
So you caught a 5 star log?
3/15/2010 5:25:00 PM
thanks for all the warnings. Very thoughtfull and considerate. Thanks agian and glad you hada five star day! P.s. photo's though fun to look at are not as important as the prevenative warnings. Tight lines ya'all.
Captain Jim
3/15/2010 7:30:00 PM
For us folks without GPS, photos would also be nice to see the location of this hazerdous cove. But thanks for the information!
3/15/2010 8:02:00 PM
You could describe your catch in size, numbers, what worked, and of course whether rainbow or brown or..........? Thanks for the heads up!.
3/15/2010 10:28:00 PM
Jim, Go to google earth to locate the grid locations of the log. That will get you close enough if you are careful.

Kfedka, hard to submit enough photos of single fish to add up to what people want. I usually release each fish as it is caught. Even then, if you show a special fish, they claim you photoshopped it. Were it not for the warnings, I would not have even reported today.

MotoBoat, I take friends out and "show" them how and it takes two or three trips for them to get the hang of it. To say that the presentation and color changed as the day went on would be an understatement. I caught browns and bows - the last time I reported numbers and sizes I was called a liar. I guess I'll go back to what I said before, were it not for the warning, I would not have even reported.
3/15/2010 11:31:00 PM
what warning are you speaking of ? From whom did the warning come? Just curious, if you were forced into leaving a report and why ? Thanks for your reply.
3/16/2010 7:52:00 AM
MotoBoat, re-check out my report above ("The last two years I have warned of the rocks and hazards, but with the high water it was not a real problem") and check out my reports from the last couple of years. Rock Lake has a history, one of death I am afraid. To the best of my knowledge, we have gone several years without a death on the lake and it would be nice to keep it that way. With the increase in boating pressure at Rock, in part from my own reports, I felt it necessary to warn people again that there are dangers on this lake.

For the most part, if you keep your speed down when you are within a 100 yards or so from the shore, you will be OK. This of course assumes no logs or trees, and no serious waves. There is a dog-leg in the lake (see map of lake) about half way down and I have seen that choke point kick up waves over 4 feet high. One time I and two friends were fishing near the inlet and the waves were about a foot high. As we went through the dog leg the waves were just down right nasty. I have a safe boat and 40 years of experience, but the two friends were still pretty nervous. The bad thing is that the waves can kick up in an instant and there are almost no places to hide on Rock. If you cannot handle large waves, if a motor goes out, and with the shear cliffs and hidden rocks on the lake, ........................................... well lets just say boat at your own risk.

So, to answer your questions:
1) The warning(s) are in the report and in previous reports I have given.
2) The warning(s) are from me.
3) No one forced me to report, but if you read all of the comments on my past reports for the last few years, a few people have suggested that the pressure on the lake is, at least in part, to my past reports. If the increased use of the lake by uninformed people lead to a death or injury, I do not want it to be because they were not warned.

Now, on to more fishing reports.
3/16/2010 7:29:00 PM
Hi Anglinarcher, Glad for the report, I like to try and fish the Rock, but your reports and ones others have left about large rocks and hidden objects in the water have made me leary. I really appreciate what you have done to try and warn all of us.
3/16/2010 9:34:00 PM
AnglinArcher- I am a history buff and have done quite a bit of research on Rock Lake and it's history and am putting together a paper on the subject for a history class at WSU. If you can give me any more information (approximate times/dates/circumstances) on any of these tragedies, I would like to include them in my paper. There is definitely a lot of doom and gloom associated with this area and I would like to demonstrate that in my paper. BTW, I always look forward to your reports and appreciate the safety tips. I fish and boat there as well. If you do care to help me out with my paper, you can email me at cdhiles@gmail.com. Thanks and be safe out there.
3/17/2010 7:44:00 AM
cdhiles, Would it be possible to get a copy of your paper when it is completed? My wife "Barb" and I fished Rock Lake last year for the first time, we were amazed that such a beautiful lake was only a couple of hours away, and we had not even heard anything about it, we were going to Sprague Lake, and made a short excursion to check it out. Have been reading that a lot of history, good and bad has occured at Rock Lake, so your paper would really be appreciated. Ken (kenbarbnew@tds.net)
3/17/2010 3:32:00 PM
Did you find any big ones?? Next week or two we will be searching. Bring on the mid 40's. Perhaps we will see ya there..........
3/22/2010 7:59:00 AM
Rock lake is not listed under East side lakes special rules, which means state wide rules apply, which means Rock lake is not open for fishing until the 3rd Saturday in April. Just a reminder.
3/22/2010 8:18:00 AM
LOL, just backwards ridgerooster.
5/17/2010 1:53:00 PM
Note that the special hazard I indicated in the report is gone now, and as of 5.17.10 the water is down about 2' from the full pool.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709