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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Williams Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Boat
Rainbow Trout
Sinking Fly Line

Fished W. Med Lake for 2 hours with my son without anything but a tease. Packed up the boat and drove to Williams. Fished for less than an hour, but my son tied into a 14" rainbow on his first cast. Unforunately, it jumped out of the water about 10' in front of the boat and spat the fly (black wooly bugger with krystal flash). The fish got off, but my son was hooked. He focused like a laser catching a fish. I caught a nice 14" cut about 10 min later and he caught an 11 inch bow 5 min after that. We had to go by then, but the fishing fly sunk deep and he can't stop talking about the next time to Williams lake. "If I get all my homework done early, can we come back?"
Very short, but the best day fishing with my middle son ever, and I got a new fishing buddy.


5/7/2010 6:56:00 AM
Great report! I love hearing of father & son fishing time. What a motivator, he's already looking at fishing as a reward for doing homework - always a bonus. Kids make the best fishing buddies, although my wife and yellow lab are right up there too! :-)
5/7/2010 7:52:00 AM
I'm with you Reelman! As my 12-year old headed out to school this A.M., he asked if I'd be getting his pontoon ready today in preparation for the weekend! He's fished a bit in the past but caught the bug the last couple weeks while fishing chironomids on sink lines and getting some rather large fish. Maybe Williams this weekend where we'll work on his casting with float lines and indicators. I've been told that lake is the perfect place to go if you just want to see an indicator go down. I'll do whatever it takes continue our bonding and get him away from the video games and computers.
5/7/2010 7:48:00 PM
That is great !!! Im thinking of taking my 3 year old out to catch something tomorrow but not sure where to go.......Williams??
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709