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Silver Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Stationary Fly Fishing
Surface Lure

Thought I'd get out for some more bluegill. Fished from 830-1100. Couldn't believe it was even better than Tuesday's outing. Just about a fish on every cast. Didn't even know how many fish I'd caught till I emptied my creel into an empty cooler for cleaning. Same beat-up $.25 discount Cabela's size 18 parachute adams-like fly did the job. Tons of fish left when I decided to call it quits - my arm actually got tired from casting.

All the fish caught today were males. The males who were sitting/guarding nests weren't interested in biting; Just the unlucky saps who were wandering around and hadn't found an interested female. Cleaning and filleting 'em this evening was a chore and might just turn me into a catch & release guy. Fried some of 'em up (from Tueday's catch) and tried bluegill for the first time - they ARE tasty. Bang for the buck they seem to have much more meat than the perch I was catching this past winter out of Silver.


6/25/2010 6:37:00 AM
Thanks for the post Jay. They are fun to catch, fighters for their size to say the least. Tasty is correct! How did you end up cleaning them.
6/25/2010 8:46:00 AM
Good Lord, you've got your work cut for you.......that's a lot of filleting!
6/25/2010 12:52:00 PM
He is a expert after yesterday's catch. I once ate Bluegill and crappie during the same meal. That was a mistake for the Crappie. To me, the Bluegill were NOT as good. Perch are close!
Jay K
6/25/2010 9:45:00 PM
Kfedka- 1st batch from Tuesday I cleaned like I clean small perch (video link following in next reply). The batch from Thursday, since it was so huge and I was tired of picking bones out of my gums and stabbing my throat, I filleted. Used an electric knife to cut the fillets off. Then hand trimmed the ribs and skins. As MotoBoat suggested, by the end I WAS getting better at it and attaining a much better-looking and less wasteful fillet. I'd never filleted panfish until Thursday. Froze two packages of fillets as the wife said she was already tired of 'em after one meal. One thing I'd seen on YouTube re: panfish fillet-ing was people dunking their crappie fillets into a tub of ice water immediately cutting 'em off. What does this accomplish? Does it just waterlog the fillet? I did it this time just cause I'm not certain if it improves things. MotoBoat- Bluegill was a first. Never had crappie. Maybe I'll find a nice crappie lake - like Liberty - and try my hand at catching them. I've yet to see a crappie at Silver and game wardens (as mentioned elsewhere) say they're not attaining the 9" size limit anyways.
Jay K
6/25/2010 9:46:00 PM
blufin loui
6/25/2010 10:07:00 PM
Hello Jay K, that's a nice batch of bluegills there. I noticed you said you were "cutting off the fillets with an electric, Then hand trimming". Next time around, give this a try. When you cut the fillet with the electric, STOP just at the tail just before you would cut through the skin to make the fillet. Then flip the fillet (skin still attached to the tail) over at the end of the fish. Then use the electric knife to slice the meat off the skin. After a few tries, it almost becomes one slice to have a skinless fillet. I like to take a pair of shears (sissors) and cut around the ribs. To me it is easier than using the fillet knife. ANd if there is a youngster wanting to help with the cleaning, the shears are a safe way for them to be involved also.
It's good to hear you enjoyed them, and as has been said before, They are fun to catch.
Thanks for sharing your adventure
7/2/2010 1:53:00 PM
Great mess of 'gills but way more work than I'd want to undertake. I have to agree with you on the crappie at Silver, for the past couple years we've only been able to catch carbon copy 8" - 8 1/2" specimens, and I've been waiting for the size limit to be lifted. Way too many small ones, and they aren't getting any bigger either. I rate bluegill right up there with perch and crappie, they're definitely fine eating. Thanks for the nice report! :-)
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709