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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Conconully Lake Lake Report
Okanogan County, WA



Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring
All Day

took my girlfriend and her 5yo son on a 3 day mini-vacation to the upper lake and stayed at conconully lake resort. she'd been telling me that he's never caught a fish and i figured this would be an ideal place, as the last time i fished both the upper and lower lake, you couldn't keep the fish off your line. we fished from the dock after we got there friday night without any luck.hmmm. rented a boat the next day and spent it trolling and still fishing the entire length of the lake with only a few hits and cranking in an 8"er i didn't even know i had on the pop gear. spent the late afternoon cruising the area and talking to locals and a few resort owners and they all said the same thing. it hasn't been good for quite a while, 'one of those years'. with my 'street creds' on the line, lol, i decided to drive up the sinelhakin to blue lake and see if we could pull at least a few fish out of the trip. (see report for pics). sorry this isn't much of a 'fishing report', but in all fairness, this is an awesome place to take the family to spend some quality time in one of the most beautiful places in the state. lots of friendly folks, and wildlife aplenty!


8/10/2010 9:42:00 AM
I'm going tomorrow, I love this area. BTW, I have had more luck bottom fishing this lake than trolling-
dave g
8/10/2010 10:08:00 AM
thanks for that info. we tried that as well. talked with 3 or 4 different boats and they were all doing about the same as us. we did see one boat along the shoreline that seemed to be catching a few bass (i'm assuming). hope you can light it up over there. it was s-l-o-w for us... i'll be looking for your report.
8/11/2010 1:39:00 PM
geez whats up with the deer bing so skinny this year im also a hunter so on my trips to eastern wa i keep my eye out for the deer arround curlew and most that i have seen have all been skinny like the muley in your picture even a 5x5 and 4x5 that i saw. but i agree the sinlahekin valley is a nice area i've always wanted to try out those lakes but i live in spanaway on the west side :(
dave g
8/11/2010 5:49:00 PM
i haven't hunted in years, but i'm seriously thinking about hitting the sinlehekin either this or next year. we saw alot of deer this trip out in the wild, not just around town, and they all were on the slim side. i lived over above Malo for a number of years and hunted around curlew myself. you'd see the same thing. during a hot summer, they don't seem to put on alot of weight, but they fatten up quickly when whatever it is kicks in and they prepare for winter. there is a huge whitetail population around there as well as mule deer. i've seen some huge mulies during the winter, but most of the 5 point or more (on one side) were whitetail. i live in everett, but i find it's always worth the drive to get over in that area. good luck both hunting and fishing over there...
8/11/2010 9:14:00 PM
hey master...er, uh,... baiter... yes I noticed less deer, and skinnier than usual when I arrived. Dave.. i wouldn't recommend the sinlehekin valley for deer season. There are a lot of deer, but there are WAY more hunters. the one nice legal muley I saw last year I couldn't shoot because there were too many hunters in my zone. just didn't feel safe.

I'm up here now, and just caught about 50 bass an hour ago. Dave if you are still in the area I'd be happy to boat out with you guys and show you where and how I was catching them. Lots of small ones, but keeper sized and I know some of the local resort owners were thinking of killing the lake off to get rid of the bass so good idea to catch them while you can. and they fight great!

if you come out, shoot me a PM and I'll give you my cell number (hopefully I'll have reception). we're here till monday.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709