Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Place Fished: Baker Lake (Sockeye)
Date(s): 8/14 and 22/10
Weather Conditions: Cool Overcast and Drizzle
Wind: 5-8 mph
Ambient Temp: low 60’s
Water Temp.: 67.8
Water Clarity: slightly colored
Moon Phase: 97% waxing
Location Fished:
Noisy Creek area
Lure Type:
Pink Hootchie, Mylar skirt, double red 3/0 hook, 14” leader, 0 silver prism dodger
* Red Smiley blade, double red 3/0 hook, 14” leader, 0 silver prism dodger
Bait Used:
Tipped w/ cured shrimp
Trolled .8 – 1.10
Catch Record:
Caught 2 total (#4.1 & #4.3) (#4.2 & #4.7)
It was critical to find the school of fish on the finder, and to troll right through the middle of them, turn right around and DO IT AGAIN!
Additional Notes:
• This is the very first year the Game dept. has opened up the lake for sockeye retention
• Noisy Creek is about 8 miles up the lake on the east side, right side (lake is only 9 miles from one end to the other
• I contacted WDFW and they stated they quit stocking the lake just before last weekend, and they anticipate closing the season soon
I wanted to thank Matt and Rseas for their feedback to my questions. There are some top notch members that contribute a lot of information to this forum.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service