Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Sigh... Another report without pics but oh well, this will be pretty informative.
Went to Chambers Lake with LMBDave and got on the water at about 9 am.
The water temp was 60 degrees when we launched.
Within minutes, Dave landed a nice Largie about 1 lb or so using a Texas Rigged Senko.
I had a couple bites using Wacky Rigging a Senko but no takers so I switched to panfish mode.
I was using a 1/32 oz Tube Jig and switched between a float and no float.
Also switched between using tubes and taking off the actual tube and putting nightcrawlers on the bare jighead.
Both methods produced.
I'll just say that the Yellow Perch bite is HOT!!
I could not keep these little rascals off of my line!!
I caught so many I lost count but throughout the day I honestly probably caught close to 100 perch.
All fish were C & R'd.
If any of you like to catch and eat Yellow Perch, go to Chambers and help lower the Yellow Perch population because Chambers is overrun with Yellow Perch!
We fished from about 9 am to 7:30 pm or so.
Today's list of Species Caught:
Largemouth Bass
Yellow Perch
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
I caught 4 Largies all approximately 1/2 lb or so on a Wacky Rigged Senko.
3 of them I caught by actually seeing them take my Senko.
Didn't so much as even feel the bite or the slightest tug.
I wish I could tell you some hotspots but to be honest we couldn't find any.
We had to work HARD for our bass and the lily pads pretty much cover the entire lake.
Oh and a funny thing happened, a Largie hit my bobber and took my bobber down today but not my bait.
I guess there's a first for everything.
I spent some time using a buzzbait and I had one MASSIVE EXPLOSIVE BLOWUP but when I tried to set the hook, I felt the weight of the bass and then it shook off!
Damn.. maybe next time :D
One Bluegill and one Pumpkinseed Sunfish were pretty dang big!
They were about the size of my hand which is about 8 inches from fingertip to wrist.
Reading previous reports, it's no secret to anyone that Chambers Lake has some fatties in there.
Unfortunately, we just couldn't find them or get them to bite today.
Water Temp peaked today about 67 - 68 degrees.
The sun started to set, the mosquitoes started to swarm so we hit the road.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service