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Horseshoe Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Ice Fishing

Since there's no afternoon bite (or less of one) at Silver, thought I'd hit up Horseshoe for the first time to satisfy my curiosity, and see if I couldn't get some bullheads or trout. Kitt's Rd is open but very muddy. Saw evidence of at least one hole drilled this season prior to my arrival. Drilled holes and fished all over the deep end to 45ft of water. Not even a tap. 12"+ of white ice. The solitude was nice, although a couple cars did pass by and one person in a truck stopped to ask how things were going.

Not gonna waste gas on this lake. Was curious though and had been thinking about having some fried catfish.


2/10/2011 8:38:00 PM
Too bad JayK....maybe next time. Going to hit any lakes this weekend? Man I sure enjoyed outfishing you (even if it wasn't by much=)
Jay K
2/10/2011 9:27:00 PM
@aaron42ash - Nah dude, you killed me last time; I only had 3 to contribute to the bucket. Actually, EVERYBODY's outfishing me by far - raffensg, motor1, you, little kids hand-lining with 40# test... ha ha... I'll PM you re: this weekend. @general - Thought I hit the deepest part at 45ft, but just looked at the topo and saw that I missed the 50ft pit... shoot... wonder if all the fish were sitting in that pit.
2/11/2011 11:51:00 AM
Were you really out for Catfish this time of year? Man, through the ice, bold and crazy.

I have done it, with success, on Channel Cats, but only with a depth finder (they suspend in winter), with a big chunk of sucker meat for bait, then drop in in front of them, shake it like a 7.5 magnitude quake, then let it soak still for 10 minutes or more, then do it all over again. I believe Horseshoe only has Bullheads in it?

Have you ever done well on Cats through the ice before?
Jay K
2/12/2011 5:00:00 PM
@Anglinarcher - I'd been reading about channels and bullheads over on IceShanty and always wanted to make a visit to Horseshoe. I've never eaten bullhead, but can't see that they wouldn't taste good through the ice. Never caught 'em ice fishing before, so thought it might be interesting. Yeah, I probably shoulda been soaking some cut bait, instead of maggots.
6/17/2016 5:29:00 AM
I know this is an old post but thought I would give my suggestions, if this lake is even publicly fishable anymore since they sold the land around it. I used a bobber and worm from shore (launch). You could tell the bullhead from the trout in how the bobber acted. Deep tugs = cat, little tugs = trout. They can be a pain to reel in though as the cats will drive deep into the weeds and just take some patience to coax the out.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709