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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA


Cutthroat Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring

Launched around 930, and fished until 130. It was a really nice day again on the lake. Plenty of boats out there, lots of guys trying around the Issaquah creekmouth, that was where I stayed most of the day too. Caught one big rainbow, but second guessed myself and worried that if I kept it, that it might be a kokanee. Caught one other cutt, nice 17 inch fish, had a bite and a takedown on top of the 2 fish, but it was just me and the dog in the boat, so I think I did ok. Does anyone have a picture of a typical Lake Sammamish kokanee? I have never caught one as far as I know. The cutts have the jaw line extend past the eye, I just don't want to keep a fish that should be released. I am also aware that 20" rainbows are considered steelhead and need to be released. Any help would be very much appreciated. I used a dodger (00) followed by about 2 foot of leader and a crawler tipped wedding ring to catch the fish. Never got a bite on the needlefish. Caught both fish in 10-15 feet of water, some guys didn't even look like they were using downriggers cause the fish were so high up.


3/8/2011 1:59:00 PM
Check out my most recent post for Lake Washington, the fish picture is of a kokanee. Also check out kiyus's report for Lake Washington as well, he has a kokanee mixed in with a few cutts and a fish that my be a hybrid. The kokanee get pretty big in Sammamish, I've released some that were in the 2 to 3 pound range that I caught while trying for kings.
3/9/2011 5:42:00 AM
That is a nice pic that Gman has on his report. I have alot of reports on Stevens (snohomish co), Cavanaugh (skagit co.) and samish( Whatcom co ) With pic of Kokes. Also look at Rseas reports on these lakes hes got some really good pics.
3/9/2011 12:22:00 PM
I got one at Sam on sunday too. nice one! :(.... (cry cry as swimms away) The ones ive caught are real siver, sleek looking, the give awy for me is the gill plates, and eye/jaw relationship and lacks orange marks on throat. Take a look at the pic in the WA fishing regs booklet.
3/9/2011 3:07:00 PM
From the different pictures I've seen, I've noticed kokanee don't really have spots on their tales, if any. But I could be wrong since I haven't personally caught one? I guess I'll be needing to get out there and catch one to find out. Thanks Doc for the report.
3/10/2011 9:45:00 AM
I definitely did not catch a kokanee, it either had to be a big cutt or rainbow (if a rainbow it was close to 20", so better I let it loose, the thing had shoulders on it). I was worried to keep it cause it had a lot of color to it, but it had lots of black dots as well, like a rainbow or cutt. The pics I went and saw of kokes had little to no spots and they seemed pretty chrome. Thanks for the advice, tips and comments.
3/10/2011 9:53:00 PM
Glad it was helpfull. Correct me if Im wrong Im not looking in the regs but I believe if its over 17 " for Koks it is considered a sockeye salmon which have to be released. Theyve been know to have shoulders. I hope we have a run on baker LK again this year. I got a hook up but none in the boat. Kokes also have a blueish purple shine to them as well.
3/11/2011 3:19:00 PM
FYI - no kokanee of any size can be kept on Lake Sammamish. For Lake Washington their is a maximum size set at 15" with anything larger being defined as a sockeye.
3/12/2011 7:45:00 AM
Thanks for the tips, I need to get a bigger boat so I can hit lake washington too, unless you ever need an extra fishin pole in the boat! I probably won't make it out this weekend, so if you hit it, have fun and be safe, I look forward to everyone's posts.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709