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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Eloika Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Top Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

Well it was the first outing of the year for me on the boat. Got to the lake at 1pm and stayed until just about 6:30. Very cold and windy day for the most part, but toward the end, the sun came out and the wind died.

Water temps hovering around 45-47f. Clarity was fair at best.

I began throwing plastics, but boat control became an issue, so the dropshot rod went in the locker. From there I threw a white bleeding shad spinner with some success early. After my 3rd fish on this, I couln't get another reaction. Next I threw mid. range cranks in bright colors and managed about 6-8 within the next two hours before that quit working on me. So it went in the locker too. I finished the day throwing lipless cranks. Chrome with a black back managed to get the attention of another dozen fish before the sun started to dip and I got too cold to continue.

All fish caught were males. Heaviest being 3lbs, but most were in the 1-2.5 lb range. Still fun to catch...

Camera was dead, and I was only able to catch a few pics of some dinks before my phone followed.

Another great day, and a good way to start the season.


4/7/2011 9:53:00 PM
Nice report, see any dead ones yet? I could not believe what was going on last year there. I saw atleast 10 dead fish in the 3-5 lb range. Thanks for the repot i am itchin for some fishin.
4/7/2011 9:54:00 PM
As a matter of fact yes, but only one by the ramp. Must have been in the same 4-5 LB range.
4/8/2011 6:31:00 AM
Good job Aaron, nice way to start the open water season.
4/8/2011 9:00:00 AM
What are the deaduns caused from? trout fisherman or something that doesn't like the bass?

Cool report, Fish that size are perfect to at least keep you busy and fight off the winter time blues!
4/9/2011 8:15:00 AM
Great lake!! I miss it.... Good job over there!
YJ Guide Service
4/9/2011 11:24:00 AM
Eloika Lake has always had dead fish in the spring since I've lived out there, some years worse than others and last year was really bad...
4/9/2011 7:58:00 PM
I know that the bass population here is probably over what the lake can handle for growing large fish. It might have something to do with overpopulation and competition for food sources in winter months. I'm not a biologist so I'm not sure, but that's just my guess.
4/13/2011 9:02:00 AM
Those are some healthy looking ones Aaron. Was out there Friday afternoon and pulled out some about the same size, looking healthy too with no red streaks on their fins or gills like last year. While we were pulling our boat out a Fish & Game guy pulled up and my wife asked him about all the floaters last year, he said they determined it was oxygen deprivation, and that's why they killed off some of the vegitation out from the public launch, he also said they may do some more this year...
4/15/2011 8:51:00 AM
Was wondering if anyone on this site attended this meeting?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709