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Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green Lake Report
King County, WA



Rainbow Trout

So it's been a real dry spell for me lately, I haven't had a good fish on the line since a couple brown trout in February, and one day of baby trout in march. Needless to say when you get skunked on nearly a dozen outings you start to wonder, am i doing something wrong? This wasn't so tough last year. seriously.

And not content to powerbait fish, my adhd wont let a line sit for longer than 5 minutes. It's amazing that i actually caught a carp on corn last year because i really had to be patient not to spook them away.

Back to todays story. i was doing something wrong this year, which was not covering enough area. I picked the opposite side of the lake, tied on a kastmaster 1/4oz and started hiking and casting wherever i could find enough room to stand. In many cases, fallen trees and shrubs were in the way big time. Today i back the wind on my side and i got my lure way out there, on the 6 or 7 cast i got a big take, i was afraid i snagged on branch, it was heavy. But the fish broke the surface and now the problem was the narrow access to bring him in with a big branch hanging in the water. And yup the fish went into the branches, so it was a couple minutes of manuevering to untangle the line from the branches without falling into the water, letting the line get too slack or just breaking the line. Good thing, i'm not into the ultra light tackle, 4lb test would have frayed and snapped. my 8lb line held on. Oh yeah, I've lost lures and fish with poorly tied palomar knots. rookie lessons.

so when the fish was ashore, i was astonished, i've never seen the big rainbows in greenlake. Last year i caught a 15 in one, but it was skinny compared to this one. Again, the only metrics i have are the fishing pole for comparison sorry folks.


4/20/2011 9:03:00 PM
Nice fish pika, congrats! How do the fish from Green Lake taste? Just curious because I've been thinking of trying this lake but not sure if I want to keep anything.
Lord Of The Fly
4/20/2011 10:07:00 PM
Hey nice job man! Yeah, I saw a lot more fish on the west side of the lake after you left. A couple of carp jumped up about 2 feet from my boat and lots of risers. Glad you ended the dry spell!
4/20/2011 10:20:00 PM
right on man, way to tough it out and keep pushing forward :)
4/20/2011 11:44:00 PM
Nice fish! There are some bigguns put in that lake. The fish in Green Lake taste fine! I fished it every week last summer and caught a bunch. They're stockers, just like in every lake around here, and although Green Lake is shallow, it's got a lot of water in it. The fish get caught or ate up by the bass before they live in there long enough to pick up the toxins anyways.
4/21/2011 8:00:00 AM
Is that a size 15 shoe? Wow, the fish got some dirt on it when he landed it. Maybe he did'nt have a net. It's most important to bleed the fish immediately by cutting the Gills and than right on to Ice.,the best way to ruin a Trout is to have it hanging on a stringer dead in 60 or 70 degree water. If you wonder why fish taste's soft and muddy that's probably why. Dirt can be rinsed off Grey Dog.
Rob G.
4/21/2011 12:43:00 PM
Well done bro! I fished Greenlake growing up...fished every single dock, and caught fish from all of them.
4/21/2011 2:20:00 PM
VERY nice fish! And don't let the cranky comments get you down. I walk around Green lake and cast a fair amount. Hope I see you sometime.
AJ's Dad
4/21/2011 4:31:00 PM
That's not dirt on that fish it's needles and leaves. I say a fish, is a fish, is a fish. If you eat it, it's going to to taste like fish no matter how you handle it. In my opinion, the best way to treat a fish after you catch it is to say thanks for the fight, throw the dang thing back in the water, and go have a BURGER. I have never had a burger taste like fish and I treat every burger I meat (meet) with respect. I smile passionately at it, lick my lips, and I stuff that sucker down my throat. Now that's respect! Ae heck guys I'm just havin a little fun. I wouldn't get too wound up about a little dirt on a fish, and I wouldn't get too wound up about someone mentioning said dirt on the fish. Ya know what I mean Vern? (Anybody remember the guy that used to say that?) Happy fishing guys
AJ's Dad
4/21/2011 4:32:00 PM
I had to fix the bad spelling. Keep smiling guys!
4/21/2011 5:02:00 PM
LOLOL indeed
4/21/2011 7:25:00 PM
Nice catch bro. Good job being persistent after being skunked a few times. I start to question myself about the way Im fishing too after a skunk streak. I have fished Green Lake long enough to know that some days the fishing is hot and some days I cant buy a bite.. See you around, I will be there once temps rise a few degrees
4/21/2011 8:36:00 PM
"(Anybody remember the guy that used to say that?)" Yep, his name was Jim Varney. As goofy as he was, I liked his cornball comedy. Nice 'bow Pika, keep up the good work! :-)
4/22/2011 8:03:00 AM
You're right AJ'S Dad, fish taste's like fish, however there's a huge difference between good fish and bad fish. I handle over a million of pounds of fish every year for a living and there is a reason we pay fisherman more money if they handle thier catch correctly.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709