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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Leland Lake Report
Jefferson County, WA



Well for those of you who have been monitoring the situation with the cormorants wiping out Lake Leland, the good news is they didn't get all the fish. I managed to graph and then catch a couple crappie and back they went. I only graphed two small schools and caught a few perch to boot, so looks like there are few enough fish to repopulate this lake now that the cormorant have moved on. I suspect it will take at least a couple years more like 4 years to see the Crappie come back, still suspect the bass were not hurt too bad. Talked to several fishing the shore for trout and they had no luck at all, so I told them what had happened to the lake. The campground will open up this coming weekend for the season for those who were interested. Klahowya!


randy n' lizzie
4/25/2011 6:51:00 AM
Sorry to hear Leland got wiped out Don. I was going to make it over that way this spring, but won't waste the gas now. There are few enough crappie lakes to start with to lose a good one to the birds. Hope they come back soon, but that hasn't been the experience in other parts of the state. C'ya on the water!!!!!
4/25/2011 9:04:00 AM
Thanks for the info,glad to see the campground opening
5/15/2011 1:34:00 PM
Any updates on this lake?
5/15/2011 2:09:00 PM
Hi Aaron, I was supposed to hit the water today but it just has been such a downpour here I stayed home and worked on my tackle line. I am afraid the lake will take a couple years to bounce back for the Crappie and Perch from the cormorant, I believe the larger bass were not affected but I am sure there will be a noticeable gap in year class for some time to come. Trout, I would say it just isn't worth driving any distance to try since they got wiped out , sure there are a few holdovers big enough to have escaped the cormorant. I will be hitting this lake up several times yet to get a better feel for whats happening and this coming years fish counting will definitely be of special interest to me.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709