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Newman Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Stationary Fly Fishing
Tiger Muskie
Sinking/Floating Fly Line

I was offered a trip to fish for largemouth bass at Newman. We were on the water by 1800, started fishing in the muzzy bay area looking for bass in about 8-12' of water, water temp was 58, lake calm light breeze and sunny with light cloud cover. My friend picked up two 14-18" bass while slow rolling a spinnerbait along a pad line within a few minutes.

Being the fly fishermen I am, I tied on a large streamer with an intermediate line on my 6 weight rod, and proceded to keep up with my buddy fish for fish on the streamer,, so far a nice evening. We both caught 6 fish in less then 2 hours ranging from 12-18".

Well being on Newman Lake I decided there was no time like the present to try for a tiger musky on the fly then right now. Every one I talked to told me the water was still to cold.

I had my buddy position his boat parralel to a deeper pad line in about 10' of water, got my nine weight fly rod out with an intermediate line on also, and tied on a 8" streamer. I was fishing paralel to the pad line and as you can see there is my result with a picture of the fly I caught her on.. Not much of a fight really,, I have caught trout smaller then the tiger, and they put up a more impressive battle then this tiger did,, it measured 27"

Not real big, but my first tiger on the fly with many more to follow.. Who says you cannot catch a tiger on the fly. ( oh that's right it's a tiger by the tail) LOL


5/20/2011 5:14:00 PM
Many congratulations Deepbuzzer! A tiger muskie any way, any day is great. I hope you returned her to grow another 27"!
I fished Newman last fall for the first time and didn't land any muskie, but the person with me did. Maybe my time is next.
Washington musky don't compare to Minnesota musky which I have caught, but I'm glad the sport is catching on out here!
5/21/2011 6:53:00 AM
Good job! I almost exclusively flyfish for LMB and tigers. Right now they are a bit sluggish, but when the water hits 60° and rising, they pick up on the fight. I use a furled leader, 6" or 8" streamer in red/white or red/black tied using schlappen hackles, on a 7 wt. (Also use the same set-up on a lake 5 miles east of Newman 8: ) )
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709