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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Omak Lake Report
Okanogan County, WA



Cutthroat Trout

Quadfather and I had a go on Omak thanks to our friend Marty who's a resident pro. Holy awesomeness, first of all... blue water. The alkaline water quality makes it uninhabitable for most fish, except for the Lahontan Cuttthroat trout. So that the shorelines are bleached white and water is crystal blue. I felt like i was in Hawaii.


The sun was shining as we cruised on Marty's boat trolling 50 yards from the shorelines where the depth ranged from 70+ feet to 20 depending on the severity of the drop off.

Quadfound most of the action that day on a kingfisher salmon spoon and huge salmon plug. I mostly hooked up with the bottom, for which they were gracious enough to drop fishing and turn the boat back to save my gear. Quad let me borrow his spoon sensing my jealous eye, and helped my land my best trout, actually my best fish so far. And it was crazy good fight on my cheap daiwa light spinning combo and 6lb mono, while the boat was trolling on. I wish i remember to ask for some video, but i grabbed a couple pics.

anyhow, the boat finished with 5 and I tied Quad for best fish, at 21 inches and about 3 lbs.

All had a great time and special shout out to Capt Marty for putting us on trophy trout.


6/8/2011 7:27:00 AM
nice fish,great report,thank you.
6/8/2011 8:34:00 AM
Nice looking fish. ill have to get there one of this days
6/8/2011 10:14:00 AM
I miss that lake. My largest Washington trout came from there. Those Lahontans sure are pretty!
Lord Of The Fly
6/8/2011 11:20:00 AM
Sweet deal! Man, so wish I could've been there too. I'll settle for Green Lake for now. See you guys on the water again soon!
Lord Of The Fly
6/8/2011 11:22:00 AM
Oh, did you guys need to use downriggers at all? 70 feet is pretty deep to troll a setup equipped with just a slip sinker.
The Quadfather
6/8/2011 12:21:00 PM
No downriggers. about 2 oz. banana weight with a simple leader to your spoon or plug. I have also fly fished this lake from a float tube about 10 years ago, with success. I am stoked to come back and try a few things that I was successful with over there, on the lake WA. cutts. (Kingfisher cop car spoon, Silver Horde plugs, and bead headed wooly bugger about 10" behind a Rocky Mountain flasher)
6/8/2011 1:10:00 PM
The bannana weight got us down to 20 ft no problem. Sure we might have missed the deeper ones, but the water is so clear, i'm certain the fish could see and chase from a distance. I mean i could see 15 -20 ft down. We also tipped with worms, powerbait and enron stock certificates.
6/8/2011 8:33:00 PM
check the regs... enron stock certificates are bad news
6/8/2011 8:38:00 PM
check the regs... enron stock certificates are bad news
6/8/2011 8:53:00 PM
check the regs... enron stock certificates are bad news
6/8/2011 9:59:00 PM
Marty said you guys did well and glad he got out there himself, he needed a good fishing trip. Gorgeous fish guys :).
6/8/2011 11:36:00 PM
great job man, i'm not a big trout fisherman but would love to catch one that size :D
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709