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American Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


Mack's Wedding Ring

On the water at 0600 and trolled between VA Hosp and silcox Island in 80' water, 35 pulls out and 30' down with a speed of 0.8 to 1.0 mph. Using a new pink kok-a-nut that seems to do good but everything shut down by 0900 hrs. The wind significantly picked up by 10am and decided to call it a day. Any recommendations on the size of bannana weight to use when not using a down rigger. I've had more success with the down rigger but my friend does not have one and we just use bannana weights but not real sure the weight size to start with. Finished the day with 3 13" Koks. I'm curious as to what has been the biggest kokanee caught on american lake in the last couple of years - anyone have an idea? Good day on the water.


8/10/2011 10:15:00 PM
you may want to try a trolling weight that has 2 barrel swivels attached to it instead of the banana weights as it keeps your line from twisting- depending on how deep you want to go and how fast I would run anywhere from a 3/4oz up to 3z. I keep a variety with me when not downrigging to get down to where I want it to be.
8/11/2011 10:28:00 AM
Trolling weights are banana weight with bead chains attached but at 1.2 mph 2oz banana weight will put you down about 11 or 12 feet 5oz will put you down 25 to 30 feet I know this by changing weight out on back rod while using downriggers until the middle rod goes down trying to find the same depth as the downriggers because downriggers catch usually the first fish and most also tell buddy with no riggers stop being cheap and invest
8/11/2011 8:40:00 PM
Biggest last year 17-18 inches
This year - 14-15 inches
Depends on how you measure. Head to fork of tail or head to end of tail.
8/12/2011 5:52:00 PM
I've caught a 14" fish this year but nothing very large at all. Most have been in the 11"-13" range. 2008 was my best year with several 16" fish and one I took out the measuring tape for. It measured 18 1/2", I believe my best Kokanee to date. It seems the average gets lower and lower each year. I'd like to see a reduction in the limit, to be honest with you-possibly even a slot limit. Good luck and thanks for the report.
8/16/2011 9:37:00 PM
Caught an 18 1/2 inch Kok last year at American but the average size has been better this year at 13 - 14 inches.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709