11/12/2011 5:39:00 PMislandbass
11/12/2011 11:35:00 PMElijah.Loves.Fishin
11/12/2011 11:41:00 PMislandbass
11/13/2011 10:06:00 AMElijah.Loves.Fishin
11/13/2011 10:12:00 AMSculpinKing
11/13/2011 2:52:00 PMThe Quadfather
11/14/2011 12:44:00 PMNow that is a greenlake Channel cat!
11/14/2011 12:53:00 PMN E 1 FISSION
11/17/2011 2:23:00 PMAs you know, we have experienced some severe weather these past several weeks (high wind, heavy rain, hail) that may have caused a quick “turnover” where the bottom, denser layer of water is mixed with the surface waters. This can cause two things: low dissolved oxygen and release of hydrogen sulfide. These conditions are created by the breakdown of organic matter, such as dead vegetation, on the bottom. When the lake is stratified or when a lake turns over slowly, water quality indicators usually remain within a nonlethal range for fish. However, a quick turnover can be lethal. It does surprise me that the channel catfish were affected, and not other, more sensitive species like trout, but the stress of the transplant and subsequent lack of food may have played a role. My hope is you witnessed a partial kill, and the majority of our catfish plants are still alive and well.
I wish I had more answers for you, but I do appreciate the information. Please contact us again in the future, as we continue to rely on angler’s reports to inform management.
Best Wishes,
Danny Garrett, Ph.D.
Warmwater Fisheries Biologist - Region 4
16018 Mill Creek Blvd.
Mill Creek, WA 98012-1541
Phone: (425) 775-1311 Ext. 101
Email: dan.garrett@dfw.wa.gov
11/17/2011 3:36:00 PMN E 1 FISSION
11/17/2011 3:42:00 PMSculpinKing
11/18/2011 9:30:00 AMI believe there have been Channel Catfish plants in greenlake prior to this, but I don't have time to go dig up the info. There was a big one sitting on the shoreline last year that's back in the reports a bit. There were also, strangely enough, Tiger Muskie's planted in 2000 IIRC. They are mostly dead of old age by now, but I bet there's one or two still kicking in there.