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Green Lake Report
King County, WA



Brown Trout

I'm pretty sure everyone is getting sick and tired of my multiple Green Lake reports so this will be my last, unless I catch a beast of a brown or have a significant reason to post.

On friday morning, I went out and bought me a small boat! That's right! Elijah is no longer stuck to shore fishing for the most part. It's a little 7' Livingston and I wanted to take it out for it's maiden voyage today. I got to Green Lake at 9 am and met up with a buddy of mine. We launched near the paddle boat rentals and worked around way north along the shore. We trolled for a little bit between spots but decided to cruise along the shore line, just far enough out that we could cast all the way to shore and cast out away from shore as well.

I experimented with some different lures today. I had a brown trout follow one of my crankbaits to the boat then turn away at the last second. I then tied on a chatterbait of all things with a treble for a trailer hook. Within 5 minutes I had a hit within seconds of it hitting the water but no hook up.

We started to keep working our way along the shore line, covering water and stopping in areas that looked good. We saw some trout busting out in deeper water and headed that way to try to entice one of them into biting but that didn't work out either. So then we got closer to shore.

My buddy had a trout swipe at his lure a few times on the surface. The fish never seemed to really commit, but it made a wake and a splash just behind his lure a few times. With plans to only fish here for 2 hours at most, we started to work our way back to where we launched but stopped at a spot to try it out some more.

The lure that I caught my last 2 browns on produced for me again. I'm thoroughly convinced that this is my new secret weapon against the browns. My go to was a very specific inline spinner that produced for me my first 3 trips, but it has not produced for me since.

I was casting it out and get a big hit! I flip it into the boat, snap a few pics and release it. I start casting out again in all directions. Within 5 minutes of release the first fish, I hook up again! This time the fish hit further out from the boat and was violently shaking it's head back and forth. It felt huge on the end of my line and put up an awesome fight. I flip her into the boat, snap a few pics, and decide to weigh it just for fun. She came in at 1 lb 5 oz. She was just a little bit bigger than the first fish which was probably at just about 1 lb or so. I forgot that the boat I bought has a sticker measuring tape in the middle that I was sitting on so I didn't get a length on any of these fish.

We then packed up and headed to the Green River for Chums. Unfortunately, the honey hole that we had in mind was occupied and full. So let's just say things didn't exactly turn out as planned. We both got skunked for chums.

However, I did manage to catch a small juvenile steelhead. But technically, I guess it would just be a rainbow since I doubt that it had made it's way into the ocean and back. I caught it drifting a 1/4 oz maribou jig.


11/26/2011 6:41:00 PM
Nice fish, Elijah! I was out there at about the same time, just at the opposite end. I was half expecting to run into you, after reading your Greenlake reports. Keep 'em coming!
11/26/2011 8:31:00 PM
Beautiful fish. Thanks for the report.
Mike Carey
11/27/2011 7:01:00 AM
we never get tired of reports. :-)
11/27/2011 4:32:00 PM
thanks guys :) i went out again on sunday morning and caught 2 just under 1.5 lbs. didn't take any pics and just let them go :)
Lord Of The Fly
11/27/2011 7:54:00 PM
I second Mike's statement. Keep the reports crankin'!
Lord Of The Fly
11/27/2011 7:58:00 PM
Anyone know why brownies are all of a sudden getting caught so much? I can remember only a handful of reports in the past few years that mentioned brownies. I even got one this week. Was there a planting recently or do all fish just love Elijah?
11/27/2011 8:36:00 PM
i don't think there has been any plants. as far as i know it's just the rainbows that get planted in spring. but just based upon my limited knowledge of brown trout behavior, they prefer to venture into the shallows during the cold winter season and they're much more aggressive than rainbow trout. since trout in general are a cold water species, i'm surprised that i haven't seen or heard of any rainbows in the shallows at green lake right now.
11/27/2011 8:39:00 PM
oh yeah, something interesting happened today regarding the coloration of the brown trout. i wonder if it has to do with the oxygen levels in the lake. when i caught my second brown today (sunday the 27th) it was green on top and silver on the sides. i had it out of the water for maybe 1 minute or so as i got the hooks out and weighed it (1 lb 6 oz). by the time i released it back into the water, it changed colors to golden brown. it was pretty strange to see the fish change colors right before my eyes in such a short amount of time out of water.
11/28/2011 6:44:00 AM
hi E;ijah new to green lake. what side of the lake do you generally fish n s e w ? hope to run into you Olie
Gringo Pescador
11/28/2011 7:40:00 AM
Keep the reports coming! And congrats on the boat. Try parking on the west side of the lake (bathhouse parking area) and launch by the tennis courts. Seems there is always better parking there and you have the nice gravel beach right there to launch at. At least that worked better for me when I had my canoe.
11/28/2011 3:49:00 PM
thanks gringo pescador! i will keep that in mind for when i can't find a spot on at the park on the ne side.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709