Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Well we decided to relax Sunday morning, drink a latte and enjoy breakfast instead of driving all the way down to the Cowlitz, so we hit up Stevens in the afternoon planning on targeting some kokanee, however as soon as I backed the boat off the trailer I noticed the masses of Perch around the launch. So our plan quickly changed from Koke's to Perch. The dock and launch were packed so we anchored just off the dock out of the way, and filled up the fish box with perch. We didn't bring any worms, so we used Jigs, white was the color, all shapes and types as long as they were little.
Once we had some perch for dinner, we headed out to the main lake to troll for some kokanee. We lost one when it jumped and had two more releases from the downrigger but never managed to get anything to the boat.
After getting bored trolling with not much going on, we decided to head back to the dock, catch a few more perch and head home. It takes a good chunk of time to clean all those little perch lol.
The fish averaged 8" we let all the females with eggs go. The kokanee we had on were caught on red wedding rings and 4/0 50/50 dodgers.
All in all it was a fun day with the guys in the boat, nice having a bit of variation instead of doing the same thing all day long. And best part was I just had the most delicious dinner! Fried Perch! (My Favorite!!!)
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service