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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Waitts Lake Report
Stevens County, WA


61° - 65°
Brown Trout
Mostly Sunny
All Day

Launched kind of late at 8:30. Within 25the yds of the launch started marking fish. We started with a wedding ring and an F5 flatfish on downriggers and rippin minnows on planer boards. Picked up fish on all lures, but mostly flatfish at 20-30'. Decided to try some bigger lures due to the 10-17" fish being picked up. Started running an ace high fly w/ Macks smile blade, thx Joe "Lake Chelan Adventures". It worked!!! Immediately picked up a 4 lb rainbow. After that hits until 1pm. Tried for a few more hours but everything died off. Troll was SLOW. 1 mph. Had a wonderful time with my dad and grandpa. Btw, only got hits when gpa was snacking... lets put it this way, he was very full at the end of the day ;)


5/27/2012 9:54:00 PM
Great report...I'm new to trolling and have had success trolling wedding rings, but I'm lost to the other techniques your using. Any good tutorials you know of to help newbies to trolling like myself. Thanks
5/27/2012 10:04:00 PM
Find the best sporting goods stores near u and ask for their opinions. Most fishing guys love to talk and offer tips and tricks. Mostly though, read all the fishing reports here. Lastly, prepare yourself to spend tons of money on gear. White Elephant is to me as Nordstroms is to my wife. Good luck
5/28/2012 7:05:00 AM
Also... there are lots of videos on youtube from rigging techniques, knot tying, to setting up downriggers. I recomend getting into a cheap set of downriggers. Contolled depth fishing completely changes your odds because you can easily get your gear to the thermalcline w/out guessing
5/28/2012 3:43:00 PM
Thanks man I really appreciate you taking the time to get back to me. And for passing along the info. Sincerely, Shawn Noyes
5/28/2012 10:18:00 PM
Sounds like you had a great time! Hey, I fish Waitts a lot and have had very good success with leaded line. What I have noticed though is a inconsistency in the type and size of fish I catch. Does a down rigger keep you on the same size fish (via help of a fish finder) or do you also see a variance in the size and type of fish when using it? I am a bit curious and Thanks for the report.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709