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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Ballinger Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA


56° - 60°
Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Eggs
Hook & Bait
All Day
61° - 65°

WOW! What an amazing day on B. Lake...amazingly BAD! Arrived at 5:30AM...had a premonition things were going to be slow. Started with regular PowerBait presentation. Lake was very placid early on, almost eerily so...smooth as glass. Saw fish rising and splashing all over the lake. Friend Pete showed up at 6:00AM...ready for a big day...NOT! I had one subtle bite around 8:00, but no one on pier had anything. Saw two fish brought to shore just north of pier, but nothing for the 12-15 persons who rotated on and off the pier while I was there. Saw a total of two boats launched and one float tube. Spoke to tuber when he came in, only a few hits on trolled Wooly Buggers. Two fellows in boat that came in reported a few hits on wedding rings and worms, but no fish. Pete left about 11:00. I changed up to about every color combination of PowerBait possible, used worms, salmon eggs...spin cast half a dozen spoon type lures... nothing! We tried 2' leaders, 5' leaders, 10' leaders, Pete even went to the "deadly" 15', but nothing! About mid-morning a strong breeze came up from the north. That lasted until about 1:00, when the sky broke open and it poured...and it poured and the thunder rolled! Strong south winds with huge gusts put white-caps on the lake. I left at 2:00PM, soaked.
Trying to analyze what happened to all the recent great fishing? Air temperature was at about 54 degrees when I arrived. Took water reading of 65 degrees at 10' depth. I noticed that the lake water level had risen appreciatively during the past week, due to lots of recent rainfall. Also, it seemed to me the water clarity had fallen off greatly...much more difficult to see my spoons as I brought them in. Perhaps the falling barometric pressure with the approaching thunder storms put the fish off the bite. Then again, I think it was because I forgot to wear my lucky sox! We'll get 'em next time!!!


6/24/2012 12:02:00 PM
the weather system that came in probably threw the bite off. fish can be affected by changes in pressure, temperature, and many other things, and in many cases will stop feeding because of that.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709