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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Boat
Hook & Bait

We fished Sammamish Lake and its SE side. On Friday night my good friend and good fisherman called me asking if we can go fishing together again for Yellow Perch. I could not refuse. It was such a beautiful day and Great Fishing. Lots of fish and almost non stop action. Perch mostly 10"-11" long but some of them were 14"-15". Very good size. Also we were catching White Fish and small Catfish. Be honest - it was my first time in my life catching White Fish. Good looking fish. I was tolled that fish has so many bones . But meat is good and it;s very good if salted or smoked. So I'll try to smoke it.We used drop shot and night crawlers, no lures this time. Weather was fantastic. North wind but not too strong. Sunny. Only thing. I forgot my camera this time. Want to go back. Some day. Good luck to all.


9/18/2012 12:24:00 AM
Good job slaying those perch. There's a million+ in there. But 14-15" perch? I want to see that. Never seen them that big. Take a pic next time. Biggest perch I've caught so far is 12", and that was at Lake Washington at Coulon. :(
9/18/2012 4:31:00 PM
WOW, that sounds like a lot of perch meat :-) Been struggling on whether to try for perch or salmon right now... Is it possible the whitefish were squawfish (northern pikeminnow)?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709